9.2. ADC Interface#

  • As discussed in Section 1.1.2, the XCZU48DR RFSoC device contains hardened data converter blocks and PLLs to support the ADCs (and DACs) on chip:

    ADCs with supporting data converter and PLL blocks

    Fig. 9.1 Block diagram of an ADC tile with supporting data converter and PLL blocks on the XCZU48DR RFSoC device (image taken from [AMD-Xilinx23b])#

  • The ADC portion of the data converter block implements a number of DSP functions as shown in the figure below, including:

    diagram of the ADC portion of the data converter block

    Fig. 9.2 Block diagram of the ADC portion of the data converter block on the XCZU48DR RFSoC device (image taken from [AMD-Xilinx23b])#

    • a signal magnitude detector,

    • a quadrature modulator correction (QMC) block,

    • a Digital Down Converter (DDC) that consists of

      • coarse frequency mixers and a numerically controlled oscillator (NCO), and

      • signal decimators with aliasing filters.

  • All these DSP function components can be configured to implements standard Nyquist sampling (in the first Nyquist zone) of a real-valued baseband signal as discussed in Section 9.1.1 and second Nyquist-zone sampling of a real-valued bandpass signal as discussed in Section 9.1.3. Other modes of sampling, including sampling of complex-valued baseband and bandpass signals from the in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) signal paths, can also be implemented using the hardened DSP functions.

  • The configuration of the DSP functions can be set when building the Vitis extensible platform using the RFDC IP block [AMD-Xilinx23b]. In rfsoc_adc_vitis_platform, the configuration is chosen to implement Nyquist sampling of a real-valued baseband signal.

  • The sampling rate of the ADCs is set based on the frequency of the stable reference clock input provided on the RFSoC 4x2 board. In rfsoc_adc_vitis_platform, it is set to \(4.9152\) Gsps. The DDC in the data converter block allows us to decimate the ADC output in order to equivalently lower the sampling rate (see my DSP notes for a more detailed discussion). In rfsoc_adc_vitis_platform, the decimation factor is set to 16, resulting in the sampling rate of \(307.2\) Msps reported in Section 1.3.3.

  • The ADCs on XCZU48DR RFSoC device have a resolution of 14 bits (see Section 1.1.2). Each ADC sample is provided as a 16-bit fixed-point/integer value. The data converter block contains FIFOs to provide an AXI4 stream (axis) interface for our DSP kernel to access the stream of samples. Up to 12 samples (see the 192-bit wide data path in Fig. 9.2) can be packed together as the basic unit of the axis stream to reduce the clock rate required to support the axis interface. In rfsoc_adc_vitis_platform, eight samples are packed into a chunk for axis streaming, requiring a minimum clock rate of \(38.4\) MHz for the axis interface. The data converter block can be configured to provide a reference clock at that frequency to drive the axis interface as shown in Fig. 1.6.

  • Below is a simple HLS kernel example that reads chunks of samples from the axis interface of the data converter block and then stores them in the global memory:

    Kernel header (stream_to_mem.h):

    #include <ap_fixed.h>
    #include <hls_stream.h>
    #include <tuple>
    #define MAX_N 8192   // Number of samples
    #define C 8  // Number of samples per chunk
    #define MAX_NC MAX_N/C
    // Basic ADC sample type
    typedef ap_fixed<16,1> d_t;
    // Chuck type = array of C samples
    typedef std::array<d_t,C> c_t;
    extern "C" void top(hls::stream<c_t> &s_in, c_t *out, unsigned long N);


    #include "stream_to_mem.h"
    #include <assert.h>
    void store(hls::stream<c_t> &in, c_t *out, unsigned long N) {
      Write_Loop: for (unsigned long n=0; n<N; n++) {
    #pragma HLS loop_tripcount max=MAX_NC
        out[n] = in.read();
    extern "C" {
    void top(hls::stream<c_t> &s_in, c_t *out, unsigned long N) {
    #pragma HLS interface mode=axis port=s_in depth=MAX_NC
    #pragma HLS interface mode=m_axi port=out depth=MAX_NC
    #pragma HLS dataflow
      store(s_in, out, N/C);
    • The 16-bit samples from the data converter are casted into the ap_fixed<16,1> type.

    • The same technique of chunking using the std::array class in Section 8.3.2 is employed here.

    • A hls::stream input argument is employed in the top-level function top() to interface with the axis sample stream provided by the data converter block.

    • Chunks of fixed-point samples are stored in the global memory as the output of the kernel.

    Host code snippet:

    // Compute the size of array in bytes
    size_t size_in_bytes = NC*sizeof(c_t);
    // Instantiate host input and output vectors
    std::vector<c_t, aligned_allocator<c_t> > x(NC);
    // These commands will allocate memory on the Device
    // and link to host pointers
    OCL_CHECK(err, cl::Buffer x_buf(context, 
      CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR|CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, size_in_bytes, x.data(), &err));
    // set the kernel Arguments
    unsigned long numsamps = N;
    OCL_CHECK(err, err = krnl.setArg(1, x_buf));
    OCL_CHECK(err, err = krnl.setArg(2, numsamps));
    OCL_CHECK(err, err = q.enqueueTask(krnl));
    // Transfer output from gloabl to host memory
    OCL_CHECK(err, err = q.enqueueMigrateMemObjects({x_buf}, 
    OCL_CHECK(err, err = q.finish());
    std::cout << "Done getting signal sample from ADC.\n";
    // save output samples to file
    std::cout << "Writing data to signal.txt\n";
    std::ofstream file;
    for (int n=0; n<N; n++)
      file << x[n/C][n%C] << std::endl;
    • Only the top-level function arguments of the output global memory buffer and the number of samples to capture are set in the host code.

    • Explicit connection of the hls::stream argument of the top-level function to the axis interface of the data converter block must be specified in the kernel configuration file in Vitis (see Lab 9).

    • If the HLS kernel and the data converter block’s axis interface are under different clock domains (e.g., in rfsoc_adc_vitis_platform, the HLS kernel is drived by the \(200\) MHz platform clock while the data converter block’s axis interface clock is at \(38.4\) MHz as discussed above), Vitis will automatically insert an AXI4 stream clock converter to interface between the kernel and axis interface as shown:

    Block diagram showing connection between HLS kernel and data converter axis interface

    Fig. 9.3 Block diagram showing connection between the HLS kernel and the data converter’s axis interface in rfsoc_adc_vitis_platform.#

  • The same chucking approach can also be applied to any DSP kernel that is connected to the data converter block’s axis interface, using the ADC sample stream as a signal source. For example, one may modify the direct-form FIR filter implementation discussed in Section 7.2.1 as below to filter the ADC samples directly from the data converter block:

    Header (fir.h):

    #include <ap_fixed.h>
    #include <hls_stream.h>
    #include <tuple>
    #define MAX_N 8192   // Number of samples
    #define C 8          // Number of samples per chunk
    #define MAX_NC MAX_N/C
    #define L 33         // FIR length
    // Basic ADC sample type
    typedef ap_fixed<16,1> din_t;
    // Chuck type = array of C samples
    typedef std::array<din_t,C> cin_t;
    // Filter output types
    typedef ap_fixed<21,2> dout_t;
    typedef std::array<dout_t,C> cout_t;
    extern "C" void top(hls::stream<cin_t> &s_in, cout_t *out, unsigned long N);


    #include "fir.h"
    #include <assert.h>
    const dout_t b[L]={
    void fir(hls::stream<cin_t> &in, hls::stream<cout_t> &out, unsigned long N) {
      din_t w[L] = {};
    #pragma HLS array_partition variable=w type=complete
      chunk_loop: for (unsigned long n=0; n<N; n++) {
    #pragma HLS loop_tripcount max=MAX_NC
        cin_t chunk_in = in.read();
        cout_t chunk_out;
    #pragma HLS array_partition variable=chunk_in type=complete
    #pragma HLS array_partition variable=chunk_out type=complete
        each_chunk: for (int j=0; j<C; j++) {
    #pragma HLS unroll factor=2
          shift_loop: for (int k=L-1; k>0; k--) {
            w[k] = w[k-1];
          // Read in new chunk from in
          w[0] = chunk_in[j]; 
          // Calculate output sample
          dout_t y = 0.0;
    //#pragma HLS bind_op variable=y op=mul impl=fabric latency=1
          fir_loop: for (int k=0; k<L; k++) {
    #pragma HLS unroll
            y += b[k]*w[k];
          chunk_out[j] = y;
        // Write to out
    void store(hls::stream<cout_t> &buf, cout_t *out, unsigned long N) {
      Write_Loop: for (unsigned long n=0; n<N; n++) {
    #pragma HLS loop_tripcount max=MAX_NC
        out[n] = buf.read();
    extern "C" {
    void top(hls::stream<cin_t> &s_in, cout_t *out, unsigned long N) {
    #pragma HLS interface mode=axis port=s_in depth=MAX_NC
    #pragma HLS interface mode=m_axi port=out depth=MAX_NC
      hls::stream<cout_t> buf;
    #pragma HLS dataflow
      fir(s_in, buf, N/C);
      store(buf, out, N/C);
    • The loop each_chunk is unrolled with a factor of 2 to achieve a tradeoff between throughput and PL resource usage.

    • It can be verified from Vitis that the throughput for this FIR filter implementation is slightly below 2 samples per clock cycle. At the platform clock rate of \(200\) MHz, this translates to about \(400\) Msps per second, high enough to support real-time processing of the stream of samples at the rate of \(307.2\) Msps.