1.2. Software Development Tools#

1.2.1. DSP Implementation Configuration#

There are many possible configurations of utilizing the various compute resources in the three subsystems of the XCZU48DR RFSoC device to support DSP implementation. Since our main goal is to learn how to develop real-time, high-speed DSP implementation, we will employ the heterogeneous compute resources of the XCZU48DR RFSoC device in the configuration below:

  1. One ADC, the corresponding PLL, and data converter in the RF system will be configured to supply a continuous stream of (real-valued) signal samples at the sampling rate of \(307.2\) Msps.

  2. DSP kernels will be implemented using the resources in the PL. The results will be stored in the global memory (DDR4) connected to the PS.

  3. The ARM Cortex-A53 APU in the PS will serve as a host for control of the DSP kernels in the PL, interfacing with the global memory, and simple post processing of the DSP results. An embedded Linux OS will run on the APU.

  4. Control and data signals will be transfered between all these PS, PL, and RF components via AXI4 protocols.

1.2.2. Vitis-Vivado Toolchain#

  • DSP implementation in the configuration above follows a typical embedded/SoC system development workflow by programming the heterogeneous compute components:

    • PL:

      1. Configure the ADC, PLL, and data converter to provide a stream of input signal samples at the desired sampling rate and interface the ADC sample stream to the DSP kernels in the PL. This step is usually developed at the register-transfer level (RTL) using hardware description languages (HDLs), such as Verilog and VHDL.

      2. Implement DSP kernels, each with interfaces to the ADC, to other DSP kernels, and/or to local and global memory. This step may be developed at the RTL level as in the previous step, or with high-level synthesis (HLS) using high-level programming languages, such as C or C++.

    • PS:

      1. Develop drivers and APIs to control the DSP kernels and ADC hardware blocks in the PL as well as to transfer data between the host (the ARM Cortex-A53 APU) and the DSP kernels.

      2. Develop an application program on the host to control and communicate with the DSP kernels and to present the processed results from the DSP kernels.

  • The AMD-Xilinx tools that support the embedded system development workflow is Vitis, Vivado, and Vitis HLS:

    • Supports RTL design of DSP kernels, hardware blocks, and interfaces in the PL

    • Performs FPGA implementation steps, including elaboration, verification and simulation, synthesis, place and route, static timing analysis, and bit-stream generation

    Vitis HLS#
    • Supports HLS design of DSP kernels and interfaces in the PL

    • Performs HLS design steps, including RTL synthesis, C simulation and C/RTL co-simulation

    • RTL design sythesized can be used in Vivado for FPGA implementation

    • Supports host application/driver development and build

    • Invokes Vitis HLS and Vivado to perform PL design and implementation

    • Packages the host OS, host application executable, and FPGA bit-stream for running the embedded DSP application on the RFSoC 4x2 board

    • Provids a unified IDE for the embedded system development steps above