4.2. Loops#

Loops are standard C/C++ constructs that are ubiquitous in specifying repetitive operations in a DSP kernel. The two main HLS optimization techniques for loops are pipelining and unrolling. Pipelining and unrolling on loops are simply the instruction-level counterparts of task-level pipelining and parallelization discussed in Section 3.2.

4.2.1. Loop Pipelining#

  • By default, Vitis HLS automatically pipelines a loop. We may also invoke loop pipelining by using #pragma HLS pipeline as shown in the following C++ code snippet from [AMD-Xilinx24c]:

    vadd: for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    #pragma HLS pipeline II=1
      c[i] = a[i] + b[i];


    It is recommended that we label each loop in the C++ code to ease the processing and reporting processes by Vitis HLS.

    • The pipeline pragma above tells Vitis HLS to target at achieving an II of one clock cycle for the pipeline.

    • Suppose it takes one clock cycle to read a[i] and b[i], one clock cycle to add them, and one clock cycle to write to c[i]. Without the pipeline pragma, each iteration of loop will take 3 clock cycles and the loop’s II=3.

    • Since there is no loop dependence, i.e., the next iteration of the loop may begin before the current iteration completes, the target II=1 can be achieved by pipelining the loop vadd as shown in the example above.

  • Hardware constraints, data dependencies within an iteration, and/or loop dependencies may prohibit Vitis HLS to achieve the specified II value for a loop.


    • If the target II value specified in the pipeline pragma can not be achieved, Vitis HLS may still produce a design with the specified II value and issue a timing vilation warning message during synthesis. In some cases, it may generate a design that achieves the lowest possible II and issue an II violation message instead.

    • Not specifying the II=1 option in the pipeline pragma also sets the target II to 1; however by not specifying the target II, Vitis HLS will generate a design that achieves the lowest possible II and issue an II violation message instead.

  • In some cases, we may be able to re-factor the C++ code forming the loop to achieve a lower II. For example, consider the loop iir1 below that implements a simple first-order IIR filter:

    y[0] = x[0];
    iir1: for (int n=1; n<100; n++) {
    #pragma HLS pipeline II=1
      y[n] = y[n-1]/2 + x[n];

    where x and y are both int arrays containing 100 elements. The loop iir1 carries a type of loop dependence called cyclic dependence where the current iteration of the loop depends on the results obtained in the previous iterations. The cyclic dependence could render the specified II=1 not achievable in the iir1 loop. Nevertheless, consider re-factoring the loop as below:

    y[0] = x[0];
    int tmp = y[0];
    iir2: for (int n=1; n<100; n++) {
    #pragma HLS pipeline II=1
      tmp = tmp/2 + x[n];
      y[n] = tmp;

    Assume that each iteration in iir2 can be completed in 3 clock cycles:

    • In the first clock cycle, x[n] is read.

    • In the second clock cycle, the division of tmp, the addition with x[n], and the update of tmp in the line tmp = tmp/2 + x[n] can all be done. (Note that tmp is instantiated as a register rather than RAM and thus can speed the operations in this line.)

    • In the third clock cycle, y[n] is written.

    Then, the specified II=1 can be achieved in spite of the cyclic dependence becasue the arrays x and y are accessed only once in different clock cycles each iteration. As a matter of fact, Vitis HLS is smart enough to perform the re-factoring for iir1 automatically during synthesis.

  • We may explicitly turn off loop pipelining by putting #pragma HLS pipiline off in the loop body.

  • We may rewind a pipelined loop to effect continuous execution of successive calls to the loop by using the option #pragma HLS pipeline rewind. Rewinding can only apply to the outermost loop inside the top-level function and the code segment before the loop is executed only once in the pipeline without any conditionals.

  • We may also specify the type of pipeline to be used using the style= option. The three possible choices are stp standing for a stall pipeline, flp standing for a flushable pipeline, and frp standing for a free-running pipeline. The stall pipeline is the default choice. See [AMD-Xilinx24c] for details about these three different pipeline types.

  • We may also pipeline the body of a function in the same way that we pipeline a loop.

4.2.2. Loop Unrolling#

  • Unrolling a loop creates multiple copies of the loop body for parallelization. Clearly, loop unrolling can reduce the iterative latency of the loop at the expense of increasing PL resource utilization.

  • We may use #pragma HLS unroll in a loop body to tell Vitis HLS to unroll the loop.

    • By default, Vitis HLS keeps all loops rolled unless the unroll pragma is specified.

    • Specifying the pragma with no option will fully unroll the loop and remove the loop hierarchy. In order the fully unroll a loop, the loop bound must be known (and fixed) at the build time.

    • We may also partially unroll a loop by specifying the factor option in the unroll pragma. For example, #pragma HLS unroll factor=2 creates 2 copies of the loop body and reduces the trip count of the loop to a half of the original value. The loop bound can be variable for a loop to be partially unrolled. In such case and whenever necessary, Vitis HLS will add control logic to perform the necessary loop exit check. We can turn off adding the exit check logic by using the skip_exit_check option.

  • For example, by fully unrolling the following loop:

    int acc = 0; 
    Loop: for (int n=0; n<10; n++) { 
    #pragma HLS unroll 
      acc += x[n];

    Vitis HLS generates a tree of binary adders with a depth of \(\lceil \log_2 10 \rceil = 4\). However, we may not see much reduction in the latency of Loop because of limitations in accessing the elements of array x which are stored in RAM. See more discussions about this in Section 4.3.

  • We may fully unroll a loop with a variable loop bound by refactoring the loop to have a constant loop bound. For example, consider the following loop whose bound N is a variable:

    int acc = 0; 
    Loop_var: for (int n=0; n<N; n++) { 
      acc += x[n];

    This loop can not be fully unrolled. However, if we refactor the loop as below

    int acc = 0; 
    Loop_var_fixed: for (int n=0; n<10; n++) { 
    #pragma HLS unroll 
      if (n<N) acc += x[n];

    then we may fully unroll the loop because its bound is a constant now.

4.2.3. Loop Merging#

  • Each loop creates at least 1 state in the FSM of a DSP kernel. If there are a sequence of loops in a function of the C++ specification of the kernel, it takes at least one clock cycle to enter a loop, another clock cycle to exit the loop and enter the next loop in the sequence, and so on. Loop merging is the optimization that merges consecutive loops into a single loop to reduce overall latency, and to allow potential control logic sharing logic as well as parallelization if possible.

  • Using pragma HLS loop_merge tells Vitis HLS to merge all loops within the scope the pragma is placed, conforming to the following set of rules:

    • If the loop bounds are variables, they must have the same value, i.e., the number of iterations of the loops must be the same.

    • If the loop bounds are constants, the maximum is used as the bound of the merged loop.

    • Loops with both variable bounds and constant bounds cannot be merged.

    • The code between loops to be merged can not have side effects, i.e., multiple execution of this code should generate the same results.

    • Loops cannot be merged when they contain FIFO reads because merging may change the order of the reads.

4.2.4. Nested Loops#

  • Consider pipelining the following pair of nested loops as shown below:

    int acc = 0;
    loop_i: for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
    #pragma HLS pipeline II=1
      loop_j: for (int j=0; j<10; j++) {
        acc += x[i]*y[j]; 
    • Vitis HLS first unrolls the inner loop (loop_j) and then pipelines loop_i. Other optimizations may also be applied. For example, Vitis HLS recognizes that only a single multiplication is needed per iteration of loop_i after unrolling loop_j, and thus it simplifies the RTL design to reduce the amount of PL resources required to unroll loop_j.

    • Because the inner loop is unrolled, pipelining the nested loops this way may significantly increase the amount of PL resources needed to implement the nested loops.

    • Since Vitis HLS automatically pipeline loops, we will obtain the same synthesized RTL design even if the pipeline pragma in the code above is absent.

  • Another approach to pipeline the nested loops is to flatten them first and then pipeline the flattened loop. Loop flattening is the HLS optimization that removes the hierarchy of nested loops to convert them into a single loop. For example, the nested loops above can be flattened using #pragma HLS loop_flatten as shown below:

    int acc = 0;
    loop_i: for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
      loop_j: for (int j=0; j<10; j++) {
    #pragma HLS loop_flatten
        acc += x[i]*y[j]; 
    • In this case, Vitis HLS will convert the nested loops, loop_i and loop_j, into a single loop loop_i_loop_j running through 100 terations.

    • Vitis HLS will then automatically pipeline the flattened loop loop_i_loop_j. This approach of “first flatterning and then pipelining” the nested loops uses significantly less PL resources because the inner loop is not unrolled. However, it may also significantly increase the latency since the trip count of the flatten loop is now the product of those of the nested loops.


    The “first flatterning and then pipelining” in the example above may also be invoked by replacing the loop-flatten pragma with a pipeline pragma in the inner loop loop_j. Putting the pipeline pragma in loop_j tells Vitis HLS to pipeline the inner loop. But that can not be done because there is an outer loop and thus Vitis HLS must flatten the nested loops first before it can pipeline loop_j.


    Loop flattening may not be applied to some nested loops. More specifically, we can classify nested loops into the following 3 categories:

    Perfect loop nests#
    • Only the innermost loop has loop body content.

    • There is no logic specified between the loop statements.

    • All loop bounds are constants.

    Semi-perfect loop nests#
    • Only the innermost loop has loop body content.

    • There is no logic specified between the loop statements.

    • The outermost loop bound is a variable.

    Imperfect loop nests#
    • Any nested loops that are not perfect or semi-perfect.

    Only perfect and semi-perfect nested loops may be flattened.

  • Both unrolling the inner loop and flattening the nested loops before pipelining in the examples above have the added advantage of reducing the number of clock cycles going through the loop hierarchy. Recall that a clock cycle is needed for each entering and each exiting the inner loop loop_j. Thus, a total of 20 additional clock cycles are expensed in the outer loop loop_i just for entering and exiting loop_j as loop_i goes through its 10 iterations. Either unrolling loop_j or flattening the nested loops removes the inner loop from the loop hierarchy and hence save these extra 20 clock cycles.

  • For nested loops with more than 2 levels in the hierarchy, the same set of rules described above applies.

    • Example 1:

      int acc = 0;
      loop_i: for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
      #pragma HLS pipeline II=1
        loop_j: for (int j=0; j<10; j++) {
          loop_k: for (int k=0; k<10; k++) {
            acc += x[i]*y[j]*z[k];

      tells Vitis HLS to unroll the inner loops loop_j and loop_k and then pipeline loop_i.

    • Example 2:

      int acc = 0;
      loop_i: for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
        loop_j: for (int j=0; j<10; j++) {
          loop_k: for (int k=0; k<10; k++) {
      #pragma HLS loop_flatten
            acc += x[i]*y[j]*z[k];

      tells Vitis HLS to flatten all loops into a single loop loop_i_loop_j_loop_k and then pipeline the flattened loop.

    • Example 3:

      int acc = 0;
      loop_i: for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
        loop_j: for (int j=0; j<10; j++) {
      #pragma HLS loop_flatten
          loop_k: for (int k=0; k<10; k++) {
            acc += x[i]*y[j]*z[k];

      tells Vitis to first unroll loop_k, then flatten loop_i and loop_j, and finally pipeline the flattened loop loop_i_loop_j.

    • Example 4: By not issuing any pragma,

      int acc = 0;
      loop_i: for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
        loop_j: for (int j=0; j<10; j++) {
          loop_k: for (int k=0; k<10; k++) {
            acc += x[i]*y[j]*z[k];

      Vitis HLS optimizes by performing exactly the same steps in Example 3, trying to tradeoff between reducing latency and increasing PL resource utilization.

4.2.5. Loop Tripcount#

  • For a loop with variable bound, Vitis HLS is not able to report the tripcount, i.e., the number of iterations and the latency of the loop in the synthesis step because the tripcount is unknown during synthesis.

  • We may use #pragma HLS loop_tripcount to help Vitis HLS to calculate the tripcount and latency of the loop. There are three options, max=, min=, and avg=, for us to specify the maximum, minimum, and average tripcount of the loop. Note that the loop-tripcount pragma does not affect the synthesis of the kernel code. It solely helps Vitis HLS in reporting its estimates of the synthesis design’s performance.

  • For example, consider the following loop whose bound N is a variable:

    int acc = 0; 
    Loop_var: for (int n=0; n<N; n++) { 
    #pragma HLS loop_tripcount max=100 min=1 avg=50
      acc += x[n];

    allows Vitis HLS to calculate the maximum, minimum, and average values for the latency of the loop based on the specified tripcount values.