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Real-Time DSP Applications
1. Overview
1.1. Hardware Platform
1.2. Software Development Tools
1.3. Vitis Application Acceleration Development
2. Introduction to HLS
2.1. HLS Tasks
2.2. Vitis HLS Development Flow
3. HLS Design Basics
3.1. Performance Metrics
3.2. Producer-Consumer Model
3.3. Deadlock
3.4. Data Flow Graph Execution
4. HLS Programming
4.1. Functions
4.2. Loops
4.3. Arrays
4.4. Math Data Types
5. HLS Kernel Interface
5.1. Global Memory Access
5.2. Load-Compute-Store Pattern
6. Host Programming
6.1. OpenCL Basics
6.2. OpenCL Steps
6.3. OpenCL Optimization
7. Filter Implementation
7.1. Block Diagram & Signal Flow Graph
7.2. FIR Filter
7.3. IIR Filter
7.4. Effects of Quantization
8. Fast Fourier Transform
8.1. Decimation-in-Time Algorithm
8.2. Butterfly Structures
8.3. HLS Implementation
8.4. Effects of Quantization
9. ADC as Signal Source
9.1. Sampling Theorem
9.2. ADC Interface
10. References
Open issue
Effects of Quantization
Effects of Quantization