6.3. OpenCL Optimization#

  • In many practical scenarios, the DSP kernel may process a long sequence of input samples (data) and produce a long sequence of output samples (data). As the PL has limited memory resources, the long sequence of input samples will need to be broken down into shorter blocks. Each shorter input block is passed from the host to the DSP kernel for processing and then the output block is passed back from the kernel to the host. This process repeats block by block until all the blocks generated from the original long input sequence are processed.

  • This block processing approach necessitates the step sequence of transferring input data from the host memory to the global memory, executing the kernel to process the data, and transferring the output data from the global memory back to the host memory (steps 7-9) be repeatedly applied from block to block.

  • Since the latency of data transfer and time overhead of launching the DSP kernel are significantly, sequentially repeating the step sequence from block to block may significantly reduce the processing throughput.

  • In order to overcome this inefficiency, we need to optimize the OpenCL host code to support pipelining the steps of data transfer and kernel execution as well as parallelization with multiple compute units in the PL.

6.3.1. Data Transfer#

  • Under the OpenCL memory model, data exchange between the host and the kernels amounts to synchronization of contents between the host memory and the global memory. As the latency of this memory synchronization process is significant, it is important to optimize the performance of this process.

  • The first step of data exchange as discussed in Section 6.2 is to create memory objects (step 6). i.e., allocate buffers (regions) in the global memory for the kernels to use. There are two main ways to allocate global memory buffers:

    • Allocation by XRT:

      This is the method employed in the vector addition example in Section 6.2:

      // Step 6: First part
      // These commands will allocate memory on the Device. The cl::Buffer objects can
      // be used to reference the memory locations on the device.
      OCL_CHECK(err, cl::Buffer buffer_a(context, CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR|CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, 
        size_in_bytes, NULL, &err));
      OCL_CHECK(err, cl::Buffer buffer_b(context, CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR|CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, 
        size_in_bytes, NULL, &err));
      OCL_CHECK(err, cl::Buffer buffer_result(context, CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR|CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, 
        size_in_bytes, NULL, &err));
      // Step 6: Second part
      // We then need to map our OpenCL buffers to get the pointers
      int* ptr_a;
      int* ptr_b;
      int* ptr_result;
      OCL_CHECK(err, ptr_a = (int*) q.enqueueMapBuffer(buffer_a,
        CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_WRITE, 0, size_in_bytes, NULL, NULL, &err));
      OCL_CHECK(err, ptr_b = (int*) q.enqueueMapBuffer(buffer_b, 
        CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_WRITE, 0, size_in_bytes, NULL, NULL, &err));
      OCL_CHECK(err, ptr_result = (int*) q.enqueueMapBuffer(buffer_result, 
        CL_TRUE, CL_MAP_READ, 0, size_in_bytes, NULL, NULL, &err));
      • First, instantiate a cl::Buffer memory object using the CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR flag to let XRT allocate the buffer in the global memory and the corresponding region in the host memory that is mapped to the global memory buffer, taking care of all alignment requirements.

      • Then, put an enqueueMapBuffer command to the command queue to obtain the handle (pointer) to the mapped region in the host memory.

      • In the example above, buffer_a, buffer_b, and buffer_result are pointers to the respective buffers in the global memory while ptr_a, ptr_b, and ptr_result are pointers to the corresponding mapped regions in the host memory.

    • Allocation by host:

      This method can be explained using this example from the Vitis repository:

      // Use this allocator if user wish to create Buffer/Memory Object with 
      // CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR to align user buffer to the page boundary. 
      // It will ensure that user buffer will be used when user create
      // Buffer/Mem Object with CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR.
      template <typename T>
        struct aligned_allocator {
        using value_type = T;
        aligned_allocator() {}
        aligned_allocator(const aligned_allocator&) {}
        template <typename U>
        aligned_allocator(const aligned_allocator<U>&) {}
        T* allocate(std::size_t num) {
          void* ptr = nullptr;
          if (posix_memalign(&ptr, 4096, num * sizeof(T))) throw std::bad_alloc();
          return reinterpret_cast<T*>(ptr);
        void deallocate(T* p, std::size_t num) {
      // allocate memory on host for input and output matrices
      std::vector<int, aligned_allocator<int> > A(array_size);
      std::vector<int, aligned_allocator<int> > B(array_size);
      std::vector<int, aligned_allocator<int> > C(array_size, 1);
      std::vector<int, aligned_allocator<int> > hw_results(array_size, 0);
      // Allocate Buffer in Global Memory
      OCL_CHECK(err, cl::Buffer buffer_a(context, CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR|CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, 
        size_in_bytes, A.data(), &err));
      OCL_CHECK(err, cl::Buffer buffer_b(context, CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR|CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, 
        size_in_bytes, B.data(), &err));
      OCL_CHECK(err, cl::Buffer buffer_c(context, CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR|CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, 
        size_in_bytes, C.data(), &err));
      OCL_CHECK(err, cl::Buffer buffer_d(context, CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR|CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY,
        size_in_bytes, hw_results.data(), &err));
      • First, instantiate a buffer in the host memory with page alignment (e.g., use the align allocator template as shown above).

      • Then, instantiate a cl::Buffer memory object using the CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR flag to tell XRT to allocate the buffer in the global memory and map provided host pointer to the global memory buffer.

  • After the memory objects are created, we can transfer data between the host and global memory by putting enqueueMigrateMemObjects commands in the command queue to synchronize the contents of the mapped buffers in the host and global memory as done in the example in Section 6.2:

    // Step 7: Transfer data from host to kernel 
    OCL_CHECK(err, err = q.enqueueMigrateMemObjects({buffer_a, buffer_b}, 0 
      /* 0 means from host*/));
    // Step 9:
    // The result of the previous kernel execution will need to be retrieved in
    // order to view the results. This call will transfer the data from FPGA to
    // source_results vector
    OCL_CHECK(err, q.enqueueMigrateMemObjects({buffer_result}, 
    • The flag CL_MIGRATE_MEM_OBJECT_HOST indicates the direction of migration is from global memory to host memory. If the flag value is 0, then the default direction of migration is from host memory to global memory.

6.3.2. Pipelining Data Transfer and Kernel Execution#

  • Consider again the vector addition example in Section 6.2, the command queue is set up to operate in the in-order execution mode by default in the code line

    OCL_CHECK(err, q = cl::CommandQueue(context, device, CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE, &err));

    Under the in-order execution mode, the two writes to buffer_a and buffer_b from the host memory to the global memory have to complete, one after the other, before the kernel can be executed. In turn, the execution of the kernel has to complete before the result can be migrated from buffer_result in the global memory back to the host memory. Thus, if we break down the addition of two long vectors into processing shorter blocks by calling the kernel multiple times in the host application, the following execution timing diagram will result:

    Timing diagram of in-order execution of commands in the command queue

    Fig. 6.4 Timing diagram of in-order execution of commands in the command queue (figure taken from [AMD-Xilinx23a])#

    where Wa0 and Wb0 stand for writing data from host memory to buffer_a and buffer_b in global memory, and Rc0 stands for reading data from buffer_result in global memory back to host memory. We see from the timing diagram that there are large idling gaps in using the AXI interconnect for data transfer between the host and the kernel as well as large idling gaps in executing the kernel in the PL. These idling gaps are due to the latency of data transfer and that of the kernel. They lower the throughput achieved by the overall implementation, despite the kernel implementation may have been optimized.

  • To increase the throughput of the overall implementation, we can overlap the data transfer between the host and the kernel and the execution of the kernel across multiple blocks. In order to achieve this form of command-level pipelining, we need to:

    1. make the command queue operate in the out-of-order execution mode,

    2. use more buffers, e.g., PIPOs, to store data of multiple blocks, and

    3. synchronize the sequence of transfer of data from host to global memory, kernel execution, and transfer of results back from global to host memory for each block.

    To see how this is done, consider this example from the Vitis repository below:

    #include "xcl2.hpp"
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <cstdio>
    #include <random>
    #include <vector>
    using std::default_random_engine;
    using std::generate;
    using std::uniform_int_distribution;
    using std::vector;
    const int ARRAY_SIZE = 1 << 14;
    int gen_random() {
      static default_random_engine e;
      static uniform_int_distribution<int> dist(0, 100);
      return dist(e);
    // An event callback function that prints the operations performed by the OpenCL
    // runtime.
    void event_cb(cl_event event1, cl_int cmd_status, void* data) {
      cl_int err;
      cl_command_type command;
      cl::Event event(event1, true);
      OCL_CHECK(err, err = event.getInfo(CL_EVENT_COMMAND_TYPE, &command));
      cl_int status;
      OCL_CHECK(err, err = event.getInfo(CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS, &status));
      const char* command_str;
      const char* status_str;
      switch (command) {
          command_str = "buffer read";
          command_str = "buffer write";
          command_str = "kernel";
          command_str = "kernel";
          command_str = "kernel";
          command_str = "buffer migrate";
            command_str = "unknown";
      switch (status) {
        case CL_QUEUED:
          status_str = "Queued";
        case CL_SUBMITTED:
          status_str = "Submitted";
        case CL_RUNNING:
          status_str = "Executing";
        case CL_COMPLETE:
          status_str = "Completed";
      printf("[%s]: %s %s\n", reinterpret_cast<char*>(data), status_str, command_str);
    // Sets the callback for a particular event
    void set_callback(cl::Event event, const char* queue_name) {
      cl_int err;
      OCL_CHECK(err, err = event.setCallback(CL_COMPLETE, event_cb, (void*)queue_name));
    int main(int argc, char** argv) {
      if (argc != 2) {
        std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <XCLBIN File>" << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
      auto binaryFile = argv[1];
      cl_int err;
      cl::CommandQueue q;
      cl::Context context;
      cl::Kernel krnl_vadd;
      // get_xil_devices() is a utility API which will find the xilinx
      // platforms and will return list of devices connected to Xilinx platform
      std::cout << "Creating Context..." << std::endl;
      auto devices = xcl::get_xil_devices();
      // read_binary_file() is a utility API which will load the binaryFile
      // and will return the pointer to file buffer.
      auto fileBuf = xcl::read_binary_file(binaryFile);
      cl::Program::Binaries bins{{fileBuf.data(), fileBuf.size()}};
      bool valid_device = false;
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < devices.size(); i++) {
        auto device = devices[i];
        // Creating Context and Command Queue for selected Device
        OCL_CHECK(err, context = cl::Context(device, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &err));
        // This example will use an out of order command queue. The default command
        // queue created by cl::CommandQueue is an inorder command queue.
        OCL_CHECK(err, q = cl::CommandQueue(context, device, 
        std::cout << "Trying to program device[" << i << "]: " << 
          device.getInfo<CL_DEVICE_NAME>() << std::endl;
        cl::Program program(context, {device}, bins, nullptr, &err);
        if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
          std::cout << "Failed to program device[" << i << "] with xclbin file!\n";
        } else {
          std::cout << "Device[" << i << "]: program successful!\n";
          OCL_CHECK(err, krnl_vadd = cl::Kernel(program, "vadd", &err));
          valid_device = true;
          break; // we break because we found a valid device
      if (!valid_device) {
        std::cout << "Failed to program any device found, exit!\n";
      // We will break down our problem into multiple iterations. Each iteration
      // will perform computation on a subset of the entire data-set.
      size_t elements_per_iteration = 2048;
      size_t bytes_per_iteration = elements_per_iteration * sizeof(int);
      size_t num_iterations = ARRAY_SIZE / elements_per_iteration;
      // Allocate memory on the host and fill with random data.
      vector<int, aligned_allocator<int> > A(ARRAY_SIZE);
      vector<int, aligned_allocator<int> > B(ARRAY_SIZE);
      generate(begin(A), end(A), gen_random);
      generate(begin(B), end(B), gen_random);
      vector<int, aligned_allocator<int> > device_result(ARRAY_SIZE);
      vector<cl::Event> kernel_events(2);
      vector<cl::Event> read_events(2);
      cl::Buffer buffer_a[2], buffer_b[2], buffer_c[2];
      for (size_t iteration_idx = 0; iteration_idx < num_iterations; iteration_idx++) {
        int flag = iteration_idx % 2;
        if (iteration_idx >= 2) {
          OCL_CHECK(err, err = read_events[flag].wait());
        // Allocate Buffer in Global Memory
        // Buffers are allocated using CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR for efficient memory and
        // Device-to-host communication
        std::cout << "Creating Buffers..." << std::endl;
        OCL_CHECK(err, buffer_a[flag] = cl::Buffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY|CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR, 
          bytes_per_iteration, &A[iteration_idx * elements_per_iteration], &err));
        OCL_CHECK(err, buffer_b[flag] = cl::Buffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY|CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR, 
          bytes_per_iteration, &B[iteration_idx * elements_per_iteration], &err));
        OCL_CHECK(err, buffer_c[flag] = cl::Buffer(context, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY|CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR, 
          bytes_per_iteration, &device_result[iteration_idx * elements_per_iteration], &err));
        vector<cl::Event> write_event(1);
        OCL_CHECK(err, err = krnl_vadd.setArg(0, buffer_c[flag]));
        OCL_CHECK(err, err = krnl_vadd.setArg(1, buffer_a[flag]));
        OCL_CHECK(err, err = krnl_vadd.setArg(2, buffer_b[flag]));
        OCL_CHECK(err, err = krnl_vadd.setArg(3, int(elements_per_iteration)));
        // Copy input data to device global memory
        std::cout << "Copying data (Host to Device)..." << std::endl;
        // Because we are passing the write_event, it returns an event object
        // that identifies this particular command and can be used to query
        // or queue a wait for this particular command to complete.
        OCL_CHECK(err, err = q.enqueueMigrateMemObjects({buffer_a[flag], buffer_b[flag]},
          0 /*0 means from host*/, nullptr, &write_event[0]));
        set_callback(write_event[0], "ooo_queue");
        printf("Enqueueing NDRange kernel.\n");
        // This event needs to wait for the write buffer operations to complete
        // before executing. We are sending the write_events into its wait list to
        // ensure that the order of operations is correct.
        // Launch the Kernel
        std::vector<cl::Event> waitList;
        OCL_CHECK(err, err = q.enqueueNDRangeKernel(krnl_vadd, 0, 1, 1, 
          &waitList, &kernel_events[flag]));
        set_callback(kernel_events[flag], "ooo_queue");
        // Copy Result from Device Global Memory to Host Local Memory
        std::cout << "Getting Results (Device to Host)..." << std::endl;
        std::vector<cl::Event> eventList;
        // This operation only needs to wait for the kernel call. This call will
        // potentially overlap the next kernel call as well as the next read
        // operations
        OCL_CHECK(err, err = q.enqueueMigrateMemObjects({buffer_c[flag]}, 
          CL_MIGRATE_MEM_OBJECT_HOST, &eventList, &read_events[flag]));
        set_callback(read_events[flag], "ooo_queue");
      // Wait for all of the OpenCL operations to complete
      OCL_CHECK(err, err = q.flush());
      OCL_CHECK(err, err = q.finish());
      bool match = true;
      // Verify the results
      for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
        int host_result = A[i] + B[i];
        if (device_result[i] != host_result) {
          printf("Error: Result mismatch:\n");
          printf("i = %d CPU result = %d Device result = %d\n", i, host_result, device_result[i]);
          match = false;
      printf("TEST %s\n", (match ? "PASSED" : "FAILED"));
      return (match ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE);
    • Vectors of length \(2^{14} = 16384\) are broken down into blocks of length \(2048\) for the vector addition kernel krnl_vadd to operate on.

    • PIPO buffers, buffer_a[2], buffer_b[2], and buffer_c[2], are instantiated to store the input and output blocks of data for krnl_vadd in each iteration of calling krnl_vadd to process a block. The “allocation by host” approach discussed in Section 6.3.1 is employed to map an alternating component of the PIPO buffer to the location of the corresponding block of data in the host memory.

    • An out-of-order command queue is instantiated using the CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE flag.

  • The execution of the example code follows the timing diagram below:

    Timing diagram of overlapped execution of commands in the command queue

    Fig. 6.5 Timing diagram of overlapped execution of commands in the command queue (figure taken from [AMD-Xilinx23a])#

    where Wak and Wbk stand for writing data from host memory to the PIPO buffer components buffer_a[k] and buffer_b[k] in global memory, and Rck stands for reading data from buffer_result[k] in global memory back to host memory, for k=0,1.

    • We see that the data transfer and kernel execution overlap in such a way that the idling gaps between successive executions of the kernel are significantly shortened, resulting in an increase in the throughput of the overall implementation.

    • Each arrow-linked sequence of operations (issued as commands to the command queue) in the timing diagram above indicates that the operations must be performed in order, i.e., the current operation must be completed before the next operation in the sequence can start.

    • The synchronization of an ordered sequence of commands is achieved by the use of vectors std::vector<cl::Event> of class cl::Event objects, kernel_events, read_events, and write_event. For example,

      1. The command of transferring data in the host memory to the PIPO buffers in the global memory is first issued by

        err = q.enqueueMigrateMemObjects({buffer_a[flag], buffer_b[flag]}, 0,
          nullptr, &write_event[0]);
        set_callback(write_event[0], "ooo_queue");

        where the event write_event[0] is associated with this command, and the set_callback() function is simply a wrapper to call the class method setCallback() of write_event[0] to set up the callback function handler event_cb() to print out information about the execution of the command when it completes, as set by the CL_COMPLETE flag in the first argument of setCallback().

      2. The command of execution of krnl_vadd is then issued by

        std::vector<cl::Event> waitList;
        err = q.enqueueNDRangeKernel(krnl_vadd, 0, 1, 1, &waitList, 
        set_callback(kernel_events[flag], "ooo_queue");

        where the event kernel_events[flag] is associated with this command, and the command should wait for the event write_event[0] in waitList to complete before it starts.

      3. The command of transferring results back from the PIPO buffer in the global memory is finally issued by

        std::vector<cl::Event> eventList;
        err = q.enqueueMigrateMemObjects({buffer_c[flag]}, 
          CL_MIGRATE_MEM_OBJECT_HOST, &eventList, &read_events[flag]);
        set_callback(read_events[flag], "ooo_queue");

        where the event read_events[flag] is associated with this command, and the command should wait for the event kernel_events[flag] in eventList to complete before it starts.

      4. Then, in the next iteration that use the same PIPO component buffers as indicated by the value flag, we wait for the command in 3. to complete using

        err = read_events[flag].wait();

        before restarting the sequence of operations.

6.3.3. Parallel Execution of Kernels#

  • Multiple kernels, or compute units generated from the same kernel, with no data dependence can be executed in parallel using either multiple in-order command queues or a single out-of-order command queue.


    Multiple symmetrical compute units can be generated from the same kernel by setting the connectivity argument nk in the configuration file of the kernel. For example, the following lines in the configuration file of the kernel vadd tells Vitis to synthesize 4 symmetricak compute units of vadd:


    XRT will use all symmetrical compute units interchangeably.

  • We focus on the use of a single out-of-order command queue to support parallel execution of kernels here by considering the following snippet of host code from this example in the Vitis repository (with some modifications):

    void out_of_order_queue(cl::Context& context,
                            cl::Device& device,
                            cl::Kernel& kernel_mscale,
                            cl::Kernel& kernel_madd,
                            cl::Kernel& kernel_mmult,
                            cl::Buffer& buffer_a,
                            cl::Buffer& buffer_b,
                            cl::Buffer& buffer_c,
                            cl::Buffer& buffer_d,
                            cl::Buffer& buffer_e,
                            cl::Buffer& buffer_f,
                            size_t size_in_bytes) {
      cl_int err;
      vector<cl::Event> ooo_events(6);
      vector<cl::Event> kernel_wait_events;
      // We are creating an out of order queue here.
      OCL_CHECK(err, cl::CommandQueue ooo_queue(context, device, 
      // Clear values in the result buffers
        int zero = 0;
        int one = 1;
        vector<cl::Event> fill_events(3);
        OCL_CHECK(err, err = ooo_queue.enqueueFillBuffer(buffer_a, one, 0, 
          size_in_bytes, nullptr, &fill_events[0]));
        OCL_CHECK(err, err = ooo_queue.enqueueFillBuffer(buffer_c, zero, 0, 
          size_in_bytes, nullptr, &fill_events[1]));
        OCL_CHECK(err, err = ooo_queue.enqueueFillBuffer(buffer_f, zero, 0, 
          size_in_bytes, nullptr, &fill_events[2]));
        OCL_CHECK(err, err = cl::Event::waitForEvents(fill_events));
      // copy the input arrays to input memory allocated on the accelerator
      // devices
      const int matrix_scale_factor = 2;
      OCL_CHECK(err, err = kernel_mscale.setArg(0, buffer_a));
      OCL_CHECK(err, err = kernel_mscale.setArg(1, matrix_scale_factor));
      OCL_CHECK(err, err = kernel_mscale.setArg(2, MAT_DIM0));
      OCL_CHECK(err, err = kernel_mscale.setArg(3, MAT_DIM1));
      printf("[OOO Queue]: Enqueueing scale kernel\n");
      OCL_CHECK(err, err = ooo_queue.enqueueNDRangeKernel(kernel_mscale, 
        offset, global, local, nullptr, &ooo_events[0]));
      set_callback(ooo_events[0], "scale");
      // set OpenCL kernel parameters to add scaled matrix A and matrix B
      OCL_CHECK(err, err = kernel_madd.setArg(0, buffer_c));
      OCL_CHECK(err, err = kernel_madd.setArg(1, buffer_a));
      OCL_CHECK(err, err = kernel_madd.setArg(2, buffer_b));
      OCL_CHECK(err, err = kernel_madd.setArg(3, MAT_DIM0));
      OCL_CHECK(err, err = kernel_madd.setArg(4, MAT_DIM1));
      // This is an out of order queue, events can be executed in any order. Since
      // this call depends on the results of the previous call we must pass the
      // event object from the previous call to this kernel's event wait list.
      printf("[OOO Queue]: Enqueueing addition kernel (Depends on scale)\n");
        err = ooo_queue.enqueueNDRangeKernel(kernel_madd, offset, global, local,
                                             &kernel_wait_events, // Event from previous call
      set_callback(ooo_events[1], "addition");
      // set OpenCL kernel parameters to multiply matrix D and E */
      OCL_CHECK(err, err = kernel_mmult.setArg(0, buffer_f));
      OCL_CHECK(err, err = kernel_mmult.setArg(1, buffer_d));
      OCL_CHECK(err, err = kernel_mmult.setArg(2, buffer_e));
      OCL_CHECK(err, err = kernel_mmult.setArg(3, MAT_DIM0));
      OCL_CHECK(err, err = kernel_mmult.setArg(4, MAT_DIM1));
      // This call does not depend on previous calls so we are passing nullptr
      // into the event wait list. The runtime should schedule this kernel in
      // parallel to the previous calls.
      printf("[OOO Queue]: Enqueueing matrix multiplication kernel\n");
        err = ooo_queue.enqueueNDRangeKernel(kernel_mmult, offset, global, local,
                                             nullptr, // Does not depend on previous call
      set_callback(ooo_events[2], "matrix multiplication");
      const size_t array_size = MAT_DIM0 * MAT_DIM1;
      vector<int> A(array_size);
      vector<int> C(array_size);
      vector<int> F(array_size);
      // Depends on the addition kernel
      printf("[OOO Queue]: Enqueueing Read Buffer A (depends on addition)\n");
        err = ooo_queue.enqueueReadBuffer(buffer_a, CL_FALSE, 0, size_in_bytes, A.data(),
                                          &kernel_wait_events, &ooo_events[3]));
      set_callback(ooo_events[3], "A");
      printf("[OOO Queue]: Enqueueing Read Buffer C (depends on addition)\n");
        err = ooo_queue.enqueueReadBuffer(buffer_c, CL_FALSE, 0, size_in_bytes, C.data(),
                                          &kernel_wait_events, &ooo_events[4]));
      set_callback(ooo_events[4], "C");
      // Depends on the matrix multiplication kernel
          "[OOO Queue]: Enqueueing Read Buffer F (depends on matrix "
        err = ooo_queue.enqueueReadBuffer(buffer_f, CL_FALSE, 0, size_in_bytes, F.data(),
                                          &kernel_wait_events, &ooo_events[5]));
      set_callback(ooo_events[5], "F");
      // Block until all operations have completed
      verify_results(C, F);
    int main(int argc, char** argv) {
      if (argc != 2) {
        std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <XCLBIN File>" << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
      std::string binaryFile = argv[1];
      cl_int err;
      cl::Device device;
      cl::Context context;
      cl::Kernel kernel_madd, kernel_mscale, kernel_mmult;
      const size_t array_size = MAT_DIM0 * MAT_DIM1;
      const size_t size_in_bytes = array_size * sizeof(int);
      // allocate memory on host for input and output matrices
      vector<int, aligned_allocator<int> > A(array_size, 1);
      vector<int, aligned_allocator<int> > B(array_size, 1);
      vector<int, aligned_allocator<int> > D(array_size, 1);
      vector<int, aligned_allocator<int> > E(array_size, 1);
      // Called to set environment variables
      // The get_xil_devices will return vector of Xilinx Devices
      // platforms and will return list of devices connected to Xilinx platform
      auto devices = xcl::get_xil_devices();
      // read_binary_file() is a utility API which will load the binaryFile
      // and will return pointer to file buffer.
      auto fileBuf = xcl::read_binary_file(binaryFile);
      cl::Program::Binaries bins{{fileBuf.data(), fileBuf.size()}};
      bool valid_device = false;
      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < devices.size(); i++) {
        device = devices[i];
        // Creating Context and Command Queue for selected Device
        OCL_CHECK(err, context = cl::Context(device, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &err));
        std::cout << "Trying to program device[" << i << "]: " << device.getInfo<CL_DEVICE_NAME>() << std::endl;
        cl::Program program(context, {device}, bins, nullptr, &err);
        if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
          std::cout << "Failed to program device[" << i << "] with xclbin file!\n";
        } else {
          std::cout << "Device[" << i << "]: program successful!\n";
          OCL_CHECK(err, kernel_madd = cl::Kernel(program, "madd", &err));
          OCL_CHECK(err, kernel_mscale = cl::Kernel(program, "mscale", &err));
          OCL_CHECK(err, kernel_mmult = cl::Kernel(program, "mmult", &err));
          valid_device = true;
          break; // we break because we found a valid device
      if (!valid_device) {
        std::cout << "Failed to program any device found, exit!\n";
      // Allocate Buffer in Global Memory
      // Buffers are allocated using CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR for efficient memory and
      // Device-to-host communication
        cl::Buffer buffer_a(context, CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR|CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, size_in_bytes, A.data(), &err));
        cl::Buffer buffer_b(context, CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR|CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, size_in_bytes, B.data(), &err));
      OCL_CHECK(err, cl::Buffer buffer_c(context, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, size_in_bytes, nullptr, &err));
        cl::Buffer buffer_d(context, CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR|CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, size_in_bytes, D.data(), &err));
        cl::Buffer buffer_e(context, CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR|CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, size_in_bytes, E.data(), &err));
      OCL_CHECK(err, cl::Buffer buffer_f(context, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, size_in_bytes, nullptr, &err));
      // Use out of order command queue to execute the kernels
      out_of_order_queue(context, device, kernel_mscale, kernel_madd,
                         kernel_mmult, buffer_a, buffer_b, buffer_c, 
                         buffer_d, buffer_e, buffer_f, size_in_bytes);
        "View the timeline trace in Vitis for a visual overview of the\n"
        "execution of this example. Refer to the \"Timeline Trace\" section "
        "the Vitis Development Environment Methodology Guide for additional\n"
      printf("TEST PASSED\n");
      return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    • The host code above executes three kernels, mscale, madd, and mmult. One input to madd is the output of mscale. Hence, the execution of madd must not begin until that of madd completes. On the other hand, the execution of mmult is completely independent of that of mscale and madd; hence can be performed in parallel.

    • Parallel execution of mmult and the sequence mscale and madd is implemented using an out-of-order command queue with cl::Event objects to synchronize the execution of mscale and madd in sequence. The approach is similar to that employed in Section 6.3.2.