8.3. HLS Implementation#
8.3.1. One-shot Implementation#
Let us first consider a naive HLS implementation of the modified decimation-in-time butterfly SFG described in Section 8.2.2 (see also Fig. 8.4) for calculation of a single \(2^\nu\)-point FFT:
Header (
):#include <ap_fixed.h> #include <math.h> #include <complex.h> #define nu 10 // FFT size M = 2^nu const int M = 1<<nu; // FFT size const int M2 = M>>1; // M/2 #define Wb 22 #define Ib 2 // typedef template to increase the number of integer // bits going through the FFT butterfly stages template <int S> using d_t = std::complex<ap_fixed<S+Wb, S+Ib> >; void top(std::complex<float> *in, std::complex<float> *out);
Kernel Source (
):#include "fft.h" #define BTFY_PARA 1 // Parallelization factor in each butterfly stage static d_t<nu> w[M2]; static int br[M]; // Set up LUTs for twiddle factors and bit reversal indices void init_twiddle_table(d_t<nu> *tw) { for (int k=0; k<M2; k++) { double c = cos(2*M_PI*k/M); double s = -sin(2*M_PI*k/M); tw[k] = d_t<nu>(c, s); } } void init_bit_reversal_table(int *bit_reverse) { bit_reverse[0] = 0; bit_reverse[M-1] = M-1; for (int k=1; k<M-1; k++) { int pattern = k; bit_reverse[k] = pattern & 1; for (int i=1;i<nu; i++) { bit_reverse[k] <<= 1; pattern >>= 1; bit_reverse[k] |= pattern & 1; } } } void butterfly_stage(int i, d_t<nu> *in, d_t<nu> *out) { #pragma HLS inline off #pragma HLS function_instantiate variable=i // Setting up masks int step = 1<<i; int lmask = step-1; int umask = ~lmask; // Going over the M/2 basic butterflies Butterfly_Loop: for (int k=0; k<M2; k++) { #pragma HLS unroll factor=BTFY_PARA int km = k&lmask; int idx0 = ((k&umask)<<1) | km; int idx1 = idx0 | step; km <<= nu-i-1; d_t<nu> in0 = in[idx0]; d_t<nu> in1 = in[idx1]; if (i>0) in1 *= w[km]; out[idx0] = in0 + in1; out[idx1] = in0 - in1; } } void fft(d_t<nu> *in, d_t<nu> *out) { d_t<nu> X[2][M]; #pragma HLS array_partition variable=X dim=1 type=complete #pragma HLS array_partition variable=X dim=2 type=cyclic factor=BTFY_PARA Reversal_Loop: for (int n=0; n<M; n++) { #pragma HLS unroll factor=BTFY_PARA*2 X[0][n] = in[br[n]]; } Stage_Loop: for (int i=0; i<nu-1; i++) { #pragma HLS unroll butterfly_stage(i, &X[i%2][0], &X[(i+1)%2][0]); } butterfly_stage(nu-1, &X[(nu-1)%2][0], out); } void load(std::complex<float> *in, d_t<nu> *buf) { Read_Loop: for (int n=0; n<M; n++) { buf[n] = in[n]; } } void store(d_t<nu> *buf, std::complex<float> *out) { Write_Loop: for (int k=0; k<M; k++) { out[k] = buf[k]; } } void top(std::complex<float> *in, std::complex<float> *out) { #pragma HLS interface mode=m_axi port=in depth=M #pragma HLS interface mode=m_axi port=out depth=M // Create twiddle (w^k_M) table init_twiddle_table(w); // Create bit reversal tables init_bit_reversal_table(br); d_t<nu> buf_in[M], buf_out[M]; #pragma HLS array_partition variable=buf_out type=cyclic factor=BTFY_PARA load(in, buf_in); fft(buf_in, buf_out); store(buf_out, out); }
The implementation uses complex-valued fixed-point arithmetic instantiated by the
template for thestd::complex<ap_fixed<S+Wb,S+Ib>>
class. Note that going through each basic butterfly element, we need to add one integer bit in the fixed-point representation of the output. Thed_t<S>
template helps to account for this requirement as we move through the stages of the butterfly SFG.Look-up tables are generated to store the twiddle factors and bit-reversal indices in the
, respectively. By declaring the vector asstatic
and writing to them only once, Vitis HLS will infer that they should be implemented as ROM, and will not synthesize the initialization functionsinit_twiddle_table()
but only use them to calculate the ROM values.The butterfly stages with different structures as shown in Fig. 8.4 are generally implemented in the function
with logics and masks to specify the connection patterns in different stages. The loopButterfly_Loop
goes over the \(\frac{M}{2}\) basic butterfly elements in each stage. In order to achieve an II=1 for theButterfly_Loop
for each stage, we need to use the function-instantiate pragma to optimize the RTL implementation of the stage instance ofbutterfly_stage()
. Since the structures of the stages are different, \(\nu\) different instances of the function will be synthesized.All the stages in the butterfly SFG are instantiated in the loop
of the functionfft()
. The loop is fully unrolled, and \(\nu\) different instances ofbutterfly_stage()
will be synthesized to implement the butterfly SFG. A ping-pong buffer (arrayX
) is instantiated to hold the intermediate FFT coefficients shown in the shaded vertices in Fig. 8.4. The array is implemented as block RAM, and is partitioned differently in the two dimensions to improve access to the block RAM.We may use more PL resources to parallelize the processing the butterfly elements in each stage by partially unrolling
. To gain speedup advantage, the arrayX
needs to be partitioned with a higher factor.Caution
Since the input and/or output arrays of
, and different stage instances ofbutterfly_stage()
are not sequentially access, we can not implement, using the dataflow pragma, task-level pipelining across these tasks in the above implementation. That means the load task, FFT operations across the stages, and store task have to run in sequence.
The redrawn modified butterfly SFG discussed in Section 8.2.3 and Fig. 8.5 with uniform stages can be implemented by replacing the function
in the kernel code above with the following version:void butterfly_stage_uniform(int i, d_t<nu> *in, d_t<nu> *out) { #pragma HLS inline off //#pragma HLS function_instantiate variable=i // Going over the M/2 basic butterflies Butterfly_Loop: for (int k=0; k<M2; k++) { #pragma HLS unroll factor=BTFY_PARA int idx0 = k<<1; int idx1 = idx0+1; int km = (idx1 >> (nu-i)) << (nu-i-1); d_t<nu> in0 = in[idx0]; d_t<nu> in1 = in[idx1]; if ((i>0) and (km>0)) in1 *= w[km]; out[k] = in0 + in1; out[k+M2] = in0 - in1; } } void fft_uniform(d_t<nu> *in, d_t<nu> *out) { d_t<nu> X[2][M]; #pragma HLS array_partition variable=X dim=1 type=complete #pragma HLS array_partition variable=X dim=2 type=cyclic factor=BTFY_PARA Reversal_Loop: for (int n=0; n<M; n++) { #pragma HLS unroll factor=BTFY_PARA*2 X[0][n] = in[br[n]]; } Stage_Loop: for (int i=0; i<nu-1; i++) { #pragma HLS unroll butterfly_stage_uniform(i, &X[i%2][0], &X[(i+1)%2][0]); } butterfly_stage_uniform(nu-1, &X[(nu-1)%2][0], out); }
One advantage of this implementation of uniform butterfly stages is that only two instances of the function
are synthesized by Vitis HLS (one for the first \(\nu-1\) stages and one for the last stage. This significantly reduces the amount of PL resources consumed without sacrificing any meaningful latency and throughput performance.The uniform stage structure avoids the need of synthesizing \(\nu\) differently optimized instances of non-uniform stages as in the previous implementation. One could force synthesis of \(\nu\) instances of
by uncommenting the line with the function-instantiate pragma. However, doing so would not achieve any meaningful latency and throughput performance gain.
Since access to the input and output arrays of
is not sequential, we still can not apply task-level pipelining to the stage instances (if \(\nu\) instances are synthesized) of the function. However, a more careful inspection of the modified butterfly SFG in Fig. 8.5 reveals that if we break up the array (X
) that stores intermediate FFT coefficients in the vertices of the SFG into two halves, then access to the half-arrays would be sequential. As a result, we may apply task-level pipelining to the butterfly stages. The functionsfft_pipelined()
show an example implementation:void butterfly_stage_pipelined(int i, d_t<nu> *in0, d_t<nu> *in1, d_t<nu> *out0, d_t<nu> *out1) { #pragma HLS inline off #pragma HLS function_instantiate variable=i // Going over the M/2 basic butterflies Butterfly_Loop: for (int k=0; k<M2; k++) { #pragma HLS unroll factor=BTFY_PARA int idx0 = k<<1; int idx1 = idx0+1; int km = (idx1 >> (nu-i)) << (nu-i-1); d_t<nu> tin0, tin1; if (idx0<M2) { tin0 = in0[idx0]; tin1 = in0[idx1]; } else { tin0 = in1[idx0-M2]; tin1 = in1[idx1-M2]; } if ((i>0) and (km>0)) tin1 *= w[km]; out0[k] = tin0 + tin1; out1[k] = tin0 - tin1; } } void fft_pipelined(d_t<nu> *in, d_t<nu> *out) { d_t<nu> X0[nu][M2], X1[nu][M2]; #pragma HLS array_partition variable=X0 dim=1 type=complete #pragma HLS array_partition variable=X0 dim=2 type=cyclic factor=2*BTFY_PARA #pragma HLS array_partition variable=X1 dim=1 type=complete #pragma HLS array_partition variable=X1 dim=2 type=cyclic factor=2*BTFY_PARA #pragma HLS dataflow Reversal_Loop: for (int n=0; n<M2; n++) { #pragma HLS unroll factor=BTFY_PARA X0[0][n] = in[br[n]]; X1[0][n] = in[br[n+M2]]; } Stage_Loop: for (int i=0; i<nu-1; i++) { #pragma HLS unroll butterfly_stage(i, &X0[i][0], &X1[i][0], &X0[i+1][0], &X1[i+1][0]); } butterfly_stage(nu-1, &X0[nu-1][0], &X1[nu-1][0], out, out+M2); }
The original array
is broken down into two arraysX0
, corresponding respectively to the top and bottom halves of the vertices in the butterfly stages.X0
are partitioned further to support more concurrent access to the block RAM in order to achieve an II=1 for theButterfly_Loop
in each stage.Caution
Because of task-pipelining, we can not just use a ping-pong buffer to store the intermediate coefficients calculated by the butterfly stages. We need a streaming buffer between each pair of successive stages, and hence
need to be full-blown two-dimensional arrays.Task-level pipelining on the bit-reversal ordering and the butterfly stages is invoked by using the dataflow pragma inside the function
and setting the streaming buffers to be FIFOs.Although the stage tasks can be pipelined, we may not get the full advantage in throughput and latency performance from the task-level pipelining because two input coefficients are needed to generate each single output coefficient in a stage (see Fig. 8.5). Thus, a downstream stage may stall to wait for output coefficients generated by its upstream counterpart. With task-pipelining,
achieves a latency that is about 55% of the latency offft_uniform()
without task-pipelining for the case of \(\nu=10\).Caution
The stalling behavior is not considered in the synthesis report. Hence, the latency performance estimates provided in the synthesis report may not be accurate at all. We need to run co-simulation to account for the stalling behavior in order to get better latency performance estimates.
8.3.2. Block-by-Block Pipeline Implementation#
In practice, we often take FFT on, sometimes overlapping, blocks from a continuous stream of samples. Calling the one-shot FFT implementations presented in Section 8.3.1 multiple times is inefficient.
A more efficient approach to take blocks of FFT on a continuous stream of samples is to pipeline the FFT butterfly stages, for example in Fig. 8.5, block by block.
An example block-by-block pipeline implementation of the modified butterfly SFG with uniform stages discussed in Section 8.2.3 is shown below:
#include <ap_fixed.h> #include <math.h> #include <complex.h> #include <tuple> #include <hls_stream.h> #define nu 10 // FFT size M = 2^nu (nu>=2) #define eta 1 // Chunk size C = 2^eta (eta>=1) #define COSIM_NUMBLKS 16 // Number of blocks in COSIM #define MAX_NUMBLKS 1000 // Max number of blocks for loop tripcount const int M = 1<<nu; // FFT size const int M2 = M>>1; // M/2 const unsigned long COSIM_MTOTAL=M*COSIM_NUMBLKS; const int C = 1<<eta; // Number of samples per chunk const int C2 = C>>1; // C/2 const int MC = M>>eta; // Number of chunks per FFT block const int MC2 = MC>>1; // MC/2 #define MAX_MTOTAL MAX_NUMBLKS*M #define Wb 22 #define Ib 2 // typedef template to increase the number of integer // bits going through the FFT butterfly stages template <int S> using d_t = std::complex<ap_fixed<S+Wb, S+Ib> >; // typedef template for an array of FFT coeffs template <int S, int V> using a_t = std::array<d_t<S>, V>; // typedef template for a stream of arrays of FFT coeffs template <int S, int V> using stream_t = hls::stream<a_t<S, V> >; // typedef template for an complex float arrays of FFT coeffs template <int V> using cf_t = std::array<std::complex<float>, V>; void top(cf_t<C> *in, cf_t<C> *out, int numblks);
Kernel source:
void pipeline_butterfly_stage(int i, stream_t<nu,C> &in, stream_t<nu,C> &out, int numblks) { #pragma HLS inline off #pragma HLS function_instantiate variable=i // Create a ping-pong buffer a_t<nu,M> block[2]; #pragma HLS array_partition variable=block dim=1 type=complete #pragma HLS array_partition variable=block dim=2 type=cyclic factor=C2 int ping_pong; Butterfly_Loop: for (unsigned long k=0; k<numblks*MC; k++) { #pragma HLS loop_tripcount max=MAX_MTOTAL/C a_t<nu,C> in_chunk = in.read(); unsigned long kC = k*C; int offset = kC%M; unsigned long blk = kC>>nu; ping_pong = blk%2; // Going over C/2 basic butterflies Chunk_Loop: for (int j=0; j<C2; j++) { #pragma HLS unroll int idx0 = j<<1; int idx1 = idx0+1; int fftk = offset+idx0; int km = ((fftk+1) >> (nu-i)) << (nu-i-1); fftk >>= 1; if ((i>0) and (km>0)) in_chunk[idx1] *= w[km]; block[ping_pong][fftk] = in_chunk[idx0] + in_chunk[idx1]; block[ping_pong][fftk+M2] = in_chunk[idx0] - in_chunk[idx1]; } // Output a chunk from the previous block if (blk>0) { a_t<nu,C> out_chunk; int other_ping_pong = (ping_pong+1)%2; Out_Chunk: for (int j=0; j<C; j++) { #pragma HLS unroll out_chunk[j] = block[other_ping_pong][offset+j]; } out.write(out_chunk); } } Output_Last_Block: for (int k=0; k<MC; k++) { a_t<nu,C> out_chunk; int offset = k*C; Out_Chunk_Last: for (int j=0; j<C; j++) { #pragma HLS unroll out_chunk[j] = block[ping_pong][offset+j]; } out.write(out_chunk); } } void pipeline_bit_reversal_stage(stream_t<nu,C> &in, stream_t<nu,C> &out, int numblks) { #pragma HLS inline off // Create a ping-pong buffer a_t<nu,M> block[2]; #pragma HLS array_partition variable=block dim=1 type=complete int ping_pong; Bit_Reversal_Loop: for (unsigned long k=0; k<numblks*MC; k++) { #pragma HLS loop_tripcount max=MAX_MTOTAL/C a_t<nu,C> in_chunk = in.read(); unsigned long kC = k*C; int offset = kC%M; unsigned long blk = kC>>nu; ping_pong = blk%2; Read_A_Chunk: for (int j=0; j<C; j++) { #pragma HLS unroll block[ping_pong][offset+j] = in_chunk[j]; } // Output a chunk from the previous block if (blk>0) { a_t<nu,C> out_chunk; int other_ping_pong = (ping_pong+1)%2; Reverse_A_Chunk: for (int j=0; j<C; j++) { #pragma HLS unroll out_chunk[j] = block[other_ping_pong][br[offset+j]]; } out.write(out_chunk); } } Output_Last_Block: for (int k=0; k<MC; k++) { a_t<nu,C> out_chunk; int offset = k*C; Reverse_A_Chunk_Last: for (int j=0; j<C; j++) { #pragma HLS unroll out_chunk[j] = block[ping_pong][br[offset+j]]; } out.write(out_chunk); } } void load(cf_t<C> *in, stream_t<nu,C> &buf, int numblks) { Read_Loop: for (unsigned long n=0; n<numblks*MC; n++) { #pragma HLS loop_tripcount max=MAX_MTOTAL/C a_t<nu,C> chunk; Chunk_Loop: for (int j=0; j<C; j++) { #pragma HLS unroll chunk[j] = in[n][j]; } buf.write(chunk); } } void store(stream_t<nu,C> &buf, cf_t<C> *out, int numblks) { Write_Loop: for (unsigned long k=0; k<numblks*MC; k++) { #pragma HLS loop_tripcount max=MAX_MTOTAL/C a_t<nu,C> chunk = buf.read(); Chunk_Loop: for (int j=0; j<C; j++) { #pragma HLS unroll out[k][j] = chunk[j]; } } } void top(cf_t<C> *in, cf_t<C> *out, int numblks) { #pragma HLS interface mode=m_axi port=in depth=COSIM_MTOTAL/C #pragma HLS interface mode=m_axi port=out depth=COSIM_MTOTAL/C #pragma HLS dataflow // Create twiddle (w^k_M) table init_twiddle_table(w); // Create bit reversal tables init_bit_reversal_table(br); stream_t<nu,C> buf_in, buf_stage[nu+1]; load(in, buf_in, numblks); pipeline_bit_reversal_stage(buf_in, buf_stage[0], numblks); Stage_Loop: for (int i=0; i<nu; i++) { #pragma HLS unroll pipeline_butterfly_stage(i, buf_stage[i], buf_stage[i+1], numblks); } store(buf_stage[nu], out, numblks); }
Pipelining of the butterfly stages, bit-reversal stage, load task, and store task is implemented using the dataflow pragma in the top-level function
.Complex-valued data samples (coefficients) are packaged into chucks of size
for streaming to and from the host as well as between tasks (stages) for parallelization.Block-by-block pipelining is explicitly implemented in the bit-reversal stage and the butterfly stage task functions
using ping-pong buffers.Latency of
may be further reduced by outputting the first half of the coefficients in the butterfly stage during the current block as done inbutterfly_stage_pipelined()
(see code in Section 8.3.1).The implementation of
turns out to require a large amount of block RAM (or other memory) resource when the value ofC
is set beyond 4. A potential way to overcome this problem is to give up the uniform connection structure of the butterfly stages and reshuffle the orders of the vertices in each stage of the butterfly SFG in order to eliminate the requirement of bit-reversal ordering (see [OS10]). However, this may require different array partition strategies for different stages in order to avoid transferring the block RAM usage requirement to the butterfly stages instead.