7.2. FIR Filter#
Consider an \(M\)-order FIR filter specified by (7.1) in the time domain or (7.3) in the \(z\)-domain:
7.2.1. Direct-form Implementation#
Rewrite (7.3) as follows:
(7.5)#\[\begin{split}\begin{align} Y(z) &= \sum_{k=0}^M b_k z^{-k} X(z) \\ & = b_0 W_0(z) + (b_1 W_1(z) + (b_2 W_2(z) + \cdots + (b_{M=1} W_{M-1}(z)+ b_M W_M(z)) \cdots ) \end{align}\end{split}\]where \(W_k (z) = z^{-k} X(z)\) for \(k=0, 1, \ldots, M\). Clearly,
(7.6)#\[\begin{align} W_k(z) &= z^{-1} W_{k-1}(z), & k=1,2,\ldots, M. \end{align}\]From the form of (7.5), we may also get \(Y(z)\) iteratively by defining:
(7.7)#\[\begin{split}\begin{align} U_M(z) &= b_M W_M(z), \\ U_k(z) &= b_k W_{k}(z) + U_{k+1}(z), & k=M-1,M-2,\ldots,0 \\ Y(z) & = U_0(z). \end{align}\end{split}\]Combining (7.6) and (7.7) gives the following direct-form SFG:
\[\begin{align*} \!\bigcirc\kern-6.5pt\vcenter{\tiny x} \longrightarrow & \!\bigcirc\kern-7.5pt\vcenter{\tiny w_0}\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{9pt}{\scriptsize b_0}\hspace{9pt}}\!\!\bigcirc\kern-7.5pt\vcenter{\tiny u_0} \!\longrightarrow\!\!\bigcirc\kern-6.5pt\vcenter{\tiny y} \\[-0pt] {\scriptsize z^{-1}} & \Big\downarrow \hspace{25pt} \Big\uparrow \\[-10pt] &\!\bigcirc\kern-7.5pt\vcenter{\tiny w_1}\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{9pt}{\scriptsize b_1}\hspace{9pt}}\!\!\bigcirc\kern-7.5pt\vcenter{\tiny u_1} \\[-0pt] {\scriptsize z^{-1}} & \Big\downarrow \hspace{25pt} \Big\uparrow \\[-0pt] & \,\vdots \hspace{29pt} \vdots \\[-0pt] {\scriptsize z^{-1}} & \Big\downarrow \hspace{25pt} \Big\uparrow \\[-10pt] &\!\bigcirc\kern-8.5pt\vcenter{\tiny w_M}\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_M}\hspace{8pt}}\!\!\bigcirc\kern-8.5pt\vcenter{\tiny u_M} \end{align*}\]Below is an example HLS function that implements the direct-form SFG above:
#define L 10 const din_t b[L]={0.5, -0.4, 0.3, -0.2, 0.05, 0.3, -0.3, 0.2, 0.1, -0.1}; void fir(hls::stream<din_t> &in, hls::stream<dout_t> &out, int N) { static din_t w[L] = {}; #pragma HLS array_partition variable=w type=complete sample_loop: for (int n=0; n<N; n++) { #pragma HLS loop_tripcount max=MAX_N delay_loop: for (int k=L-1; k>0; k--) { w[k] = w[k-1]; } // Read in new sample from in w[0] = in.read(); dout_t y = 0.0; acc_loop: for (int k=0; k<L; k++) { #pragma HLS bind_op variable=y op=mul impl=fabric latency=1 y += b[k]*w[k]; } } // Write to out out.write(y); }
Vitis HLS pipelines
to achieve II=1 for the functionfir()
qualifier in the declaration of the arrayw[L]
prevents Vitis HLS from synthesizing hardware to reinitialize the contents of the array every time the function is called. This allows filtering contiguous blocks of samples of lengthN
7.2.2. Transposed-form Implementation#
Rewrite (7.3) as follows:
(7.8)#\[\begin{split}\begin{align} Y(z) &= \sum_{k=0}^M b_k z^{-k} X(z) \\ & = b_0 X(z) + z^{-1} (b_1 X(z) + z^{-1} (b_2 X(z) + \cdots + z^{-1} (b_{M-1} X(z)+ z^{-1} b_M X(z)) \cdots ). \end{align}\end{split}\]From the form of (7.8), we may also get \(Y(z)\) iteratively by defining:
(7.9)#\[\begin{split}\begin{align} U_M(z) &= b_M X(z), \\ U_k(z) &= b_k X(z) + z^{-1} U_{k+1}(z), & k=M-1,M-2,\ldots,0 \\ Y(z) & = U_0(z), \end{align}\end{split}\]which leads to the following transposed-form SFG:
\[\begin{align*} \!\bigcirc\kern-6.5pt\vcenter{\tiny x} \longrightarrow & \!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{9pt}{\scriptsize b_0}\hspace{9pt}}\!\!\bigcirc\kern-7.5pt\vcenter{\tiny u_0} \!\longrightarrow\!\!\bigcirc\kern-6.5pt\vcenter{\tiny y} \\[-0pt] & \Big\downarrow \hspace{25pt} \Big\uparrow {\scriptsize z^{-1}} \\[-10pt] &\!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{9pt}{\scriptsize b_1}\hspace{9pt}}\!\!\bigcirc\kern-7.5pt\vcenter{\tiny u_1} \\[-0pt] & \Big\downarrow \hspace{25pt} \Big\uparrow {\scriptsize z^{-1}} \\[-0pt] & \,\vdots \hspace{29pt} \vdots \\[-0pt] & \Big\downarrow \hspace{25pt} \Big\uparrow {\scriptsize z^{-1}} \\[-10pt] &\!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_M}\hspace{8pt}}\!\!\bigcirc\kern-8.5pt\vcenter{\tiny u_M} \end{align*}\]Below is an example HLS function that implements the transposed-form SFG:
const din_t b[L]={0.5, -0.4, 0.3, -0.2, 0.05, 0.3, -0.3, 0.2, 0.1, -0.1}; void fir(hls::stream<din_t> &in, hls::stream<dout_t> &out, int N) { static dout_t u[L-1] = {}; #pragma HLS array_partition variable=w type=complete sample_loop: for (int n=0; n<N; n++) { #pragma HLS loop_tripcount max=MAX_N // Read in new sample from in din_t x = in.read(); #pragma HLS bind_op variable=bx op=mul impl=fabric dout_t bx = b[0]*x; // Write to out out.write(bx+u[0]); delay_add_loop: for (int k=1; k<L-1; k++) { bx = b[k]*x; u[k-1] = bx+u[k]; } bx = b[L-1]*x; u[L-2] = bx; } }
VItis HLS gives a RTL implementation with II=1 and a slightly smaller latency for the transposed-form SFG.
7.2.3. Cascade-form Implementation#
Rewrite (7.1) in the cascade form as follows:
(7.10)#\[\begin{split}\begin{align} Y(z) &= \sum_{k=0}^M b_k z^{-k} X(z) \\ & = b_0 \prod_{k=1}^{M} \left( 1 - z_k z^{-1} \right) X(z) \end{align}\end{split}\]where \(z_1, z_2, \ldots, z_M\) are the zeros of the transfer function \(H(z) = \sum_{k=0}^M b_k z^{-k}\) of the FIR filter.
For an FIR filter with real-valued filter taps, i.e., all the \(b_k\)s are real numbers, the zeros either are real-valued or come in conjugate pairs. Hence, we may rewrite (7.10) further in the following form:
(7.11)#\[\begin{align} Y(z) &= b_0 \prod_{k=1}^{K} \left( 1 + b_{k,1} z^{-1} + b_{k,2} z^{-2}\right) X(z) \end{align}\]where the FIR filter is decomposed into a cascade of \(K\) components (sections), each is (at most) a second-order FIR filter with real-valued taps (\(b_{k,1}\) and \(b_{k,2}\)).
Each second-order section (SoS) may be implemented in the direct form or in the transposed form. For example:
Cascade-form SFG with direct-form SoSs:
\[\begin{align*} \!\bigcirc\kern-6.5pt\vcenter{\tiny x} \xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_0}\hspace{7pt}} & \!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{26pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \!\!\longrightarrow\!\!\bigcirc \!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{26pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \!\!\longrightarrow \cdots \longrightarrow \!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{26pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \!\!\longrightarrow\!\!\bigcirc\kern-6.5pt\vcenter{\tiny y} \\[-0pt] {\scriptsize z^{-1}} & \Big\downarrow \hspace{26pt} \Big\uparrow \hspace{9pt} {\scriptsize z^{-1}} \Big\downarrow \hspace{26pt} \Big\uparrow \hspace{44pt} {\scriptsize z^{-1}} \Big\downarrow \hspace{26pt} \Big\uparrow \\[-10pt] &\!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_{1,1}}\hspace{7pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \hspace{18pt} \!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_{2,1}}\hspace{7pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \hspace{17pt} \cdots \hspace{19pt} \bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_{K,1}}\hspace{6pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \\[-0pt] {\scriptsize z^{-1}} & \Big\downarrow \hspace{26pt} \Big\uparrow \hspace{9pt} {\scriptsize z^{-1}} \Big\downarrow \hspace{26pt} \Big\uparrow \hspace{44pt} {\scriptsize z^{-1}} \Big\downarrow \hspace{26pt} \Big\uparrow \\[-10pt] &\!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_{1,2}}\hspace{7pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \hspace{18pt} \!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_{2,2}}\hspace{7pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \hspace{17pt} \cdots \hspace{19pt} \bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_{K,2}}\hspace{6pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \end{align*}\]Cascade-form SFG with transposed-form SoSs:
\[\begin{align*} \!\bigcirc\kern-6.5pt\vcenter{\tiny x} \xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_0}\hspace{7pt}} & \!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{26pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \!\!\longrightarrow\!\!\bigcirc \!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{26pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \!\!\longrightarrow \cdots \longrightarrow \!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{26pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \!\!\longrightarrow\!\!\bigcirc\kern-6.5pt\vcenter{\tiny y} \\[-0pt] & \Big\downarrow \hspace{26pt} \Big\uparrow {\scriptsize z^{-1}} \hspace{9pt} \Big\downarrow \hspace{26pt} \Big\uparrow {\scriptsize z^{-1}} \hspace{44pt} \Big\downarrow \hspace{26pt} \Big\uparrow {\scriptsize z^{-1}} \\[-10pt] &\!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_{1,1}}\hspace{7pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \hspace{18pt} \!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_{2,1}}\hspace{7pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \hspace{17pt} \cdots \hspace{19pt} \bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_{K,1}}\hspace{6pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \\[-0pt] & \Big\downarrow \hspace{26pt} \Big\uparrow {\scriptsize z^{-1}} \hspace{9pt} \Big\downarrow \hspace{26pt} \Big\uparrow {\scriptsize z^{-1}} \hspace{44pt} \Big\downarrow \hspace{26pt} \Big\uparrow {\scriptsize z^{-1}} \\[-10pt] &\!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_{1,2}}\hspace{7pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \hspace{18pt} \!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_{2,2}}\hspace{7pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \hspace{17pt} \cdots \hspace{19pt} \bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_{K,2}}\hspace{6pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \end{align*}\]Below is an example HLS function that implements the cascade-form SFG with transposed-form SoSs:
const din_t b[K][2]={ { 0.730052030952496, 0}, { 0.092026730665386, -0.382681081883717}, { 0.675184280532296, 1.091802879870597}, {-1.634523480450109, 0.879258346962745}, {-0.662739561700072, 0.745724572309314} }; const din_t b0 = 0.5; void fir2nd(dout_t &in, dout_t &out, dout_t &w1, dout_t &w2, const din_t b[2]) { #pragma HLS inline // Write to out out = in+w1; // Update register #pragma HLS bind_op variable=bx op=mul impl=fabric dout_t bx = b[0]*in; w1 = bx+w2; bx = b[1]*in; w2 = bx; } void fir(hls::stream<din_t> &in, hls::stream<dout_t> &out, int N) { static dout_t u[K+1]; static dout_t w[K][2] = {}; #pragma HLS array_partition variable=u type=complete #pragma HLS array_partition variable=w type=complete sample_loop: for (int n=0; n<N; n++) { #pragma HLS loop_tripcount max=MAX_N u[0] = b0*in.read(); cascade_loop: for (int k=0; k<K; k++) { fir2nd(u[k], u[k+1], w[k][0], w[k][1], &b[k][0]); } out.write(u[K]); } }
VItis HLS gives a RTL implementation with II=1 and a higher latency that both the direct-form and transposed-form SFGs. In addition, significantly more LUT resource is needed.