7.2. FIR Filter#

Consider an \(M\)-order FIR filter specified by (7.1) in the time domain or (7.3) in the \(z\)-domain:

7.2.1. Direct-form Implementation#

  • Rewrite (7.3) as follows:

    (7.5)#\[\begin{split}\begin{align} Y(z) &= \sum_{k=0}^M b_k z^{-k} X(z) \\ & = b_0 W_0(z) + (b_1 W_1(z) + (b_2 W_2(z) + \cdots + (b_{M=1} W_{M-1}(z)+ b_M W_M(z)) \cdots ) \end{align}\end{split}\]

    where \(W_k (z) = z^{-k} X(z)\) for \(k=0, 1, \ldots, M\). Clearly,

    (7.6)#\[\begin{align} W_k(z) &= z^{-1} W_{k-1}(z), & k=1,2,\ldots, M. \end{align}\]
  • From the form of (7.5), we may also get \(Y(z)\) iteratively by defining:

    (7.7)#\[\begin{split}\begin{align} U_M(z) &= b_M W_M(z), \\ U_k(z) &= b_k W_{k}(z) + U_{k+1}(z), & k=M-1,M-2,\ldots,0 \\ Y(z) & = U_0(z). \end{align}\end{split}\]
  • Combining (7.6) and (7.7) gives the following direct-form SFG:

    \[\begin{align*} \!\bigcirc\kern-6.5pt\vcenter{\tiny x} \longrightarrow & \!\bigcirc\kern-7.5pt\vcenter{\tiny w_0}\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{9pt}{\scriptsize b_0}\hspace{9pt}}\!\!\bigcirc\kern-7.5pt\vcenter{\tiny u_0} \!\longrightarrow\!\!\bigcirc\kern-6.5pt\vcenter{\tiny y} \\[-0pt] {\scriptsize z^{-1}} & \Big\downarrow \hspace{25pt} \Big\uparrow \\[-10pt] &\!\bigcirc\kern-7.5pt\vcenter{\tiny w_1}\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{9pt}{\scriptsize b_1}\hspace{9pt}}\!\!\bigcirc\kern-7.5pt\vcenter{\tiny u_1} \\[-0pt] {\scriptsize z^{-1}} & \Big\downarrow \hspace{25pt} \Big\uparrow \\[-0pt] & \,\vdots \hspace{29pt} \vdots \\[-0pt] {\scriptsize z^{-1}} & \Big\downarrow \hspace{25pt} \Big\uparrow \\[-10pt] &\!\bigcirc\kern-8.5pt\vcenter{\tiny w_M}\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_M}\hspace{8pt}}\!\!\bigcirc\kern-8.5pt\vcenter{\tiny u_M} \end{align*}\]
  • Below is an example HLS function that implements the direct-form SFG above:

    #define L 10
    const din_t b[L]={0.5, -0.4, 0.3, -0.2, 0.05, 0.3, -0.3, 0.2, 0.1, -0.1};
    void fir(hls::stream<din_t> &in, hls::stream<dout_t> &out, int N) {
      static din_t w[L] = {};
    #pragma HLS array_partition variable=w type=complete
      sample_loop: for (int n=0; n<N; n++) {
    #pragma HLS loop_tripcount max=MAX_N
        delay_loop: for (int k=L-1; k>0; k--) {
          w[k] = w[k-1];
        // Read in new sample from in
        w[0] = in.read();
        dout_t y = 0.0;
        acc_loop: for (int k=0; k<L; k++) {
    #pragma HLS bind_op variable=y op=mul impl=fabric latency=1
          y += b[k]*w[k];
      // Write to out

    Vitis HLS pipelines fir_loop to achieve II=1 for the function fir().


    The static qualifier in the declaration of the array w[L] prevents Vitis HLS from synthesizing hardware to reinitialize the contents of the array every time the function is called. This allows filtering contiguous blocks of samples of length N.

7.2.2. Transposed-form Implementation#

  • Rewrite (7.3) as follows:

    (7.8)#\[\begin{split}\begin{align} Y(z) &= \sum_{k=0}^M b_k z^{-k} X(z) \\ & = b_0 X(z) + z^{-1} (b_1 X(z) + z^{-1} (b_2 X(z) + \cdots + z^{-1} (b_{M-1} X(z)+ z^{-1} b_M X(z)) \cdots ). \end{align}\end{split}\]
  • From the form of (7.8), we may also get \(Y(z)\) iteratively by defining:

    (7.9)#\[\begin{split}\begin{align} U_M(z) &= b_M X(z), \\ U_k(z) &= b_k X(z) + z^{-1} U_{k+1}(z), & k=M-1,M-2,\ldots,0 \\ Y(z) & = U_0(z), \end{align}\end{split}\]

    which leads to the following transposed-form SFG:

    \[\begin{align*} \!\bigcirc\kern-6.5pt\vcenter{\tiny x} \longrightarrow & \!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{9pt}{\scriptsize b_0}\hspace{9pt}}\!\!\bigcirc\kern-7.5pt\vcenter{\tiny u_0} \!\longrightarrow\!\!\bigcirc\kern-6.5pt\vcenter{\tiny y} \\[-0pt] & \Big\downarrow \hspace{25pt} \Big\uparrow {\scriptsize z^{-1}} \\[-10pt] &\!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{9pt}{\scriptsize b_1}\hspace{9pt}}\!\!\bigcirc\kern-7.5pt\vcenter{\tiny u_1} \\[-0pt] & \Big\downarrow \hspace{25pt} \Big\uparrow {\scriptsize z^{-1}} \\[-0pt] & \,\vdots \hspace{29pt} \vdots \\[-0pt] & \Big\downarrow \hspace{25pt} \Big\uparrow {\scriptsize z^{-1}} \\[-10pt] &\!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_M}\hspace{8pt}}\!\!\bigcirc\kern-8.5pt\vcenter{\tiny u_M} \end{align*}\]
  • Below is an example HLS function that implements the transposed-form SFG:

    const din_t b[L]={0.5, -0.4, 0.3, -0.2, 0.05, 0.3, -0.3, 0.2, 0.1, -0.1};
    void fir(hls::stream<din_t> &in, hls::stream<dout_t> &out, int N) {
      static dout_t u[L-1] = {};
    #pragma HLS array_partition variable=w type=complete
      sample_loop: for (int n=0; n<N; n++) {
    #pragma HLS loop_tripcount max=MAX_N
        // Read in new sample from in
        din_t x = in.read();
    #pragma HLS bind_op variable=bx op=mul impl=fabric 
        dout_t bx = b[0]*x;
        // Write to out
        delay_add_loop: for (int k=1; k<L-1; k++) {
          bx = b[k]*x;
          u[k-1] = bx+u[k];
        bx = b[L-1]*x;
        u[L-2] = bx;

    VItis HLS gives a RTL implementation with II=1 and a slightly smaller latency for the transposed-form SFG.

7.2.3. Cascade-form Implementation#

  • Rewrite (7.1) in the cascade form as follows:

    (7.10)#\[\begin{split}\begin{align} Y(z) &= \sum_{k=0}^M b_k z^{-k} X(z) \\ & = b_0 \prod_{k=1}^{M} \left( 1 - z_k z^{-1} \right) X(z) \end{align}\end{split}\]

    where \(z_1, z_2, \ldots, z_M\) are the zeros of the transfer function \(H(z) = \sum_{k=0}^M b_k z^{-k}\) of the FIR filter.

  • For an FIR filter with real-valued filter taps, i.e., all the \(b_k\)s are real numbers, the zeros either are real-valued or come in conjugate pairs. Hence, we may rewrite (7.10) further in the following form:

    (7.11)#\[\begin{align} Y(z) &= b_0 \prod_{k=1}^{K} \left( 1 + b_{k,1} z^{-1} + b_{k,2} z^{-2}\right) X(z) \end{align}\]

    where the FIR filter is decomposed into a cascade of \(K\) components (sections), each is (at most) a second-order FIR filter with real-valued taps (\(b_{k,1}\) and \(b_{k,2}\)).

  • Each second-order section (SoS) may be implemented in the direct form or in the transposed form. For example:

    • Cascade-form SFG with direct-form SoSs:

    \[\begin{align*} \!\bigcirc\kern-6.5pt\vcenter{\tiny x} \xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_0}\hspace{7pt}} & \!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{26pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \!\!\longrightarrow\!\!\bigcirc \!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{26pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \!\!\longrightarrow \cdots \longrightarrow \!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{26pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \!\!\longrightarrow\!\!\bigcirc\kern-6.5pt\vcenter{\tiny y} \\[-0pt] {\scriptsize z^{-1}} & \Big\downarrow \hspace{26pt} \Big\uparrow \hspace{9pt} {\scriptsize z^{-1}} \Big\downarrow \hspace{26pt} \Big\uparrow \hspace{44pt} {\scriptsize z^{-1}} \Big\downarrow \hspace{26pt} \Big\uparrow \\[-10pt] &\!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_{1,1}}\hspace{7pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \hspace{18pt} \!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_{2,1}}\hspace{7pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \hspace{17pt} \cdots \hspace{19pt} \bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_{K,1}}\hspace{6pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \\[-0pt] {\scriptsize z^{-1}} & \Big\downarrow \hspace{26pt} \Big\uparrow \hspace{9pt} {\scriptsize z^{-1}} \Big\downarrow \hspace{26pt} \Big\uparrow \hspace{44pt} {\scriptsize z^{-1}} \Big\downarrow \hspace{26pt} \Big\uparrow \\[-10pt] &\!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_{1,2}}\hspace{7pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \hspace{18pt} \!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_{2,2}}\hspace{7pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \hspace{17pt} \cdots \hspace{19pt} \bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_{K,2}}\hspace{6pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \end{align*}\]
    • Cascade-form SFG with transposed-form SoSs:

    \[\begin{align*} \!\bigcirc\kern-6.5pt\vcenter{\tiny x} \xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_0}\hspace{7pt}} & \!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{26pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \!\!\longrightarrow\!\!\bigcirc \!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{26pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \!\!\longrightarrow \cdots \longrightarrow \!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{26pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \!\!\longrightarrow\!\!\bigcirc\kern-6.5pt\vcenter{\tiny y} \\[-0pt] & \Big\downarrow \hspace{26pt} \Big\uparrow {\scriptsize z^{-1}} \hspace{9pt} \Big\downarrow \hspace{26pt} \Big\uparrow {\scriptsize z^{-1}} \hspace{44pt} \Big\downarrow \hspace{26pt} \Big\uparrow {\scriptsize z^{-1}} \\[-10pt] &\!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_{1,1}}\hspace{7pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \hspace{18pt} \!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_{2,1}}\hspace{7pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \hspace{17pt} \cdots \hspace{19pt} \bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_{K,1}}\hspace{6pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \\[-0pt] & \Big\downarrow \hspace{26pt} \Big\uparrow {\scriptsize z^{-1}} \hspace{9pt} \Big\downarrow \hspace{26pt} \Big\uparrow {\scriptsize z^{-1}} \hspace{44pt} \Big\downarrow \hspace{26pt} \Big\uparrow {\scriptsize z^{-1}} \\[-10pt] &\!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_{1,2}}\hspace{7pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \hspace{18pt} \!\bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_{2,2}}\hspace{7pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \hspace{17pt} \cdots \hspace{19pt} \bigcirc\!\!\xrightarrow{\hspace{8pt}{\scriptsize b_{K,2}}\hspace{6pt}}\!\!\bigcirc \end{align*}\]
  • Below is an example HLS function that implements the cascade-form SFG with transposed-form SoSs:

    const din_t b[K][2]={
      { 0.730052030952496,                  0},
      { 0.092026730665386, -0.382681081883717},
      { 0.675184280532296,  1.091802879870597},
      {-1.634523480450109,  0.879258346962745},
      {-0.662739561700072,  0.745724572309314}
    const din_t b0 = 0.5;
    void fir2nd(dout_t &in, dout_t &out, dout_t &w1, dout_t &w2, const din_t b[2]) {
    #pragma HLS inline
      // Write to out
      out = in+w1;
      // Update register
    #pragma HLS bind_op variable=bx op=mul impl=fabric 
      dout_t bx = b[0]*in;
      w1 = bx+w2;
      bx = b[1]*in;
      w2 = bx;
    void fir(hls::stream<din_t> &in, hls::stream<dout_t> &out, int N) {
      static dout_t u[K+1];
      static dout_t w[K][2] = {};
    #pragma HLS array_partition variable=u type=complete
    #pragma HLS array_partition variable=w type=complete
      sample_loop: for (int n=0; n<N; n++) {
    #pragma HLS loop_tripcount max=MAX_N
        u[0] = b0*in.read();
        cascade_loop: for (int k=0; k<K; k++) {
          fir2nd(u[k], u[k+1], w[k][0], w[k][1], &b[k][0]);

    VItis HLS gives a RTL implementation with II=1 and a higher latency that both the direct-form and transposed-form SFGs. In addition, significantly more LUT resource is needed.