4.1. Functions#

All functions and sub-functions are synthesized into separate modules in the RTL specification of a DSP kernel, unless they are inlined (see below).

4.1.1. Top-level Function#

  • Each DSP kernel must have a top-level function, which is identified by a configuration parameter in Vitis HLS (see the instructions of Lab 2).

  • The top-level function is synthesized into the top-level module in the RTL specification.

  • Any data access to the kernel from outside (the host, the Vitis platform, other kernels, and the test bench) must go through an argument of the top-level function. The arguments of the top-level function are synthesized into interfaces to external hardware components.

  • Under the VAAD flow, the default interfaces synthesized for different argument types are listed in the table below:

    Table 4.1 Default access paradigms for different types of top-level arguments under the VAAD flow#

    Argument type

    Data access paradigm

    Interface protocol

    Scalar (pass by value)


    AXI4 Lite (s_axilite)

    Pointer to scalar


    AXI4 Lite (s_axilite)



    AXI4 Lite (s_axilite)



    AXI4 Memory Mapped (m_axi)

    Pointer to array


    AXI4 Memory Mapped (m_axi)



    AXI4 Stream (axis)

  • More detailed discussions about top-level function interfaces will be provided in Section 5.

4.1.2. Function Inlining#

  • Inlining a function is a standard C++ optimization technique that dissolves the function logic into the calling function. In HLS, after a function is inlined, it will not be synthesized into a separate RTL module; instead the function logic is embedded into that of the calling function.

  • Inlining a function could improve the usage efficiency of PL resources by sharing the logic components in the function with the calling function as well as by optimizing the control logic of the calling function. It may potentially reduce the II of the calling function. However, since an inlined function is no longer synthesized as a separate RTL module, it can not be shared or reused. Thus, multiple calls to the inlined function may consume more PL resources due to replication. Often, we may need to use Vitis HLS to synthesize different designs with and without inlining to determine if any advantage in the PL resource utilization can be achieved with function inlining.

  • Function inlining is automatically performed by Vitis HLS for small functions. We can involve or turn off function inlining in Vitis HLS using #pragma HLS inline as shown in the example below:

    void foo (int &p, int &q) {
    #pragma HLS inline off
      q += p;
    void sub(int &p, int &q) {
    #pragma HLS inline
      int p1 = p + 1;
      foo(p1, q); //foo_3
    void top(int &a, int &b, int &c, int &d) {
    #pragma HLS allocation function instances=foo limit=1 
      foo(a, b); //foo_1
      foo(c, d); //foo_2
      sub(b, d);
    • The instance sub(b, d) of the function sub() is inlined into the top-level function top() as directed by the inline pragma in the body of sub().

    • By default, inlining a function applies only to the level of the function body; hence inlining of sub() does not recursively apply to the call to foo() inside sub(). In this example, inlining of foo() is explicitly turned off. Removing the line #pragma HLS inline off from foo() will cause Vitis HLS to automatically inline foo() due to its simplicity.

    • The pragma #pragma HLS allocation in top() limits that only a single instance of foo() will be synthesized. Without it, two instances of foo() will be synthesized by Vitis HLS for task-level parallelization. This pragma provides us finer control on the tradeoff between PL resource utilization and iteration latency of the kernel.

4.1.3. Function Instantiation#

  • Function instantiation locally optimizes the RTL implementation for each instance of a function by exploiting the situation in which some inputs to the function are constant values when the function is called. This optimization may simplify the surrounding control structures and produce smaller more optimized function blocks.

  • Function instantiation is involved by using #pragma HLS function_instantiate as shown in the following example:

    char foo(char inval, char incr) {
    #pragma HLS INLINE OFF
    #pragma HLS FUNCTION_INSTANTIATE variable = incr
      return inval + incr;
    void top(char inval1, char inval2, char inval3, char* outval1, char* outval2,
             char* outval3) {
      *outval1 = foo(inval1, 0);
      *outval2 = foo(inval2, 1);
      *outval3 = foo(inval3, 100);

    where each instance of foo() is independently optimized for the specific input constant value to the argument incr. The resulting RTL code implements calls to only two differently optimized versions of foo() because Vitis HLS recognizes that the function call foo(inval1,0) does not require any arithmetic operation, and thus inlines the function call into the top-level function.