4.2. Short-time DTFT#
Many practical signals, such as musical signals, have time-varying spectrums. That is, their frequency contents (i.e., FT or DTFT) change over time.
For example, consider a discrete-time signal \(x[n]\) that is obtained by oversampling a piece of music. The DTFT \(X(e^{j\hat\omega})\) of the whole \(x[n]\) contains all the frequency contents (i.e., all the notes played) over the whole piece of music. In particular, we can’t tell from \(X(e^{j\hat\omega})\) which note is played at which time. This means that the time resolution of \(X(e^{j\hat\omega})\) is poor. The uncertainty principle thus implies that we may be able to obtain a fine frequency resolution.
We may employ the windowing approach to improve time resolution:
Consider a discrete-time window signal \(\tilde{w}[n]\) whose energy is concentrated around \(n=0\) and have a small \(\sigma_t\) (in the interpretation for discrete-time signals given in Section 4.1).
Apply windowing to the time of interest, say \(n=m\), by multiplying \(x[n]\) with \(\tilde{w}[n-m]\).
Take DTFT of the windowed signal \(x[n] \tilde{w}[n-m]\).
Intuitively, windowing \(x[n]\) by \(\tilde{w}[n-m]\) focuses our attention to the parts of \(x[n]\) around the time \(m\).
Note that different DTFTs may be obtained at different times of interest. The collection of all such DTFTs over the range of \(m\) is called the short-time DTFT \(X(e^{j\hat\omega}; m)\) of \(x[n]\):
\[\begin{equation*} X(e^{j\hat\omega}; m) = \sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty} x[n] \tilde{w}[n-m] e^{-j\hat\omega n}. \end{equation*}\]From the uncertainty principle, we know that for each fixed \(m\), we will suffer from a poorer frequency resolution by using \(X(e^{j\hat\omega}; m)\) instead of \(X(e^{j\hat\omega})\) because the time resolution of the windowed signal \(x[n] \tilde{w}[n-m]\) is finer than that of the whole signal \(x[n]\).
To further see this tradeoff, let \(\tilde{w}[n] \stackrel{\text{DTFT}}{\longleftrightarrow} \tilde{W}(e^{j\hat\omega})\). Since \(X(e^{j\hat\omega}; m)\) is the DTFT of \(x[n] \tilde{w}[n-m]\), the time-shifting and multiplication properties of DTFT gives
\[\begin{equation*} X(e^{j\hat\omega}; m) = \frac{1}{2\pi} \int_{-\pi}^{\pi} X(e^{j\theta}) \tilde{W}(e^{j(\hat\omega -\theta)}) e^{j(\hat\omega -\theta)m} \,d\theta. \end{equation*}\]That is, \(X(e^{j\hat\omega}; m)\) is the circular convolution between \(X(e^{j\hat\omega})\) and \(\tilde{W}(e^{j\hat\omega}) e^{-j\hat\omega m}\) in the frequency domain. Pictorially, it means that the plot of \(X(e^{j\hat\omega})\) is “blurred” or “smoothed out” by \(\tilde{W}(e^{j\hat\omega}) e^{-j\hat\omega m}\).
In practice, we don’t usually calculate \(X(e^{j\hat\omega}; m)\) for every \(m\). Instead, we only need to at most step through the range of \(m\) of interest with a step size comparable to the lower bound on \(\sigma_t\) of \(\tilde{w}[n]\) because the lower bound gives the finest possible time resolution using the window \(\tilde{w}[n]\).
The table below gives some commonly used window signals. Note that the expression of each window signal \(w[n]\) given doesn’t centered at \(n=0\) (\(w[n]\) is the form usually given in textbooks). For the purpose of windowing in short-time DTFT, we use only odd-length windows. That is, we may obtain the \(0\)-centered window \(\tilde{w}[n]\) from the window \(w[n]\) provided by letting \(\tilde{w}[n] = w\left[ n + \frac{L-1}{2} \right]\), where \(L\) is the odd window length of \(w[n]\).
Window name
\(\boldsymbol{w[n]}~~\) for \(\boldsymbol{0 \leq n \leq L-1}\)
Bartlett (triangular)
\(\displaystyle 1 - \frac{2\left| n - \frac{L-1}{2} \right|}{L-1}\)
\(\displaystyle 0.42 - 0.5\cos \left(\frac{2\pi n}{L-1}\right) + 0.08 \cos \left(\frac{4\pi n}{L-1}\right)\)
\(\displaystyle 0.54 - 0.46 \cos \left(\frac{2\pi n}{L-1}\right)\)
\(\displaystyle \frac{1}{2} \left[ 1 - \cos \left(\frac{2\pi n}{L-1}\right) \right]\)
\(\displaystyle \frac{I_0\left(\beta \sqrt{1-\left(\frac{2n}{L-1} - 1\right)^2}\right)}{I_0(\beta)}\)
For the Kaiser window, \(I_0(\cdot)\) is the zeroth-order modified Bessel function of the first kind and \(\beta \geq 0\) is a parameter to control the shape of the window and the prominence of the sidelobes in the window’s DTFT. When \(\beta=0\), the Kaiser window reduces to the rectangular window.
The length \(L\) of the window signal determines the time resolution. A larger \(L\) gives poorer time but finer frequency resolution. The choice of the window signal is often based on a tradeoff between a smaller \(\sigma_{\omega}\) and the prominence of the sidelobes in the window’s DTFT for a chosen value of \(L\).