2.1. UHD#

  • UHD is the device driver for USRP radios.

  • It provides C++ APIs to set up, query, and control a USRP radio and to transfer signal samples between the USRP radio and a host computer.

  • The version of UHD that we will use in class (installed on lab-1 and lab-2) is UHD 4.4.0.

2.1.1. UHD_SAFE_MAIN macro and Termination trick#

  • UHD_SAFE_MAIN is a macro for main() that catches and prints out an exception, in case it is thrown, to stderr. It is not necessary, but good to use the macro.

  • In many cases, we want our main() and other functions to keep running until we decide otherwise. Thus we need a way to terminate the program. The simplest way to do so is to issue a CTRL-C interrupt. See below for a sample code to catch the CTRL-C interrupt and terminate main().

  • Example:

    #include <uhd/utils/safe_main.hpp>
    #include <csignal>
    // Interrupt signal handler
    static bool stop_signal_called = false;
    void sig_int_handler(int) {
        stop_signal_called = true;
    int UHD_SAFE_MAIN(int argc, char *argv[]) {
        // Set the signal handler
        std::signal(SIGINT, &sig_int_handler);
        // Keep running until CTRL-C issued
        while(not stop_signal_called){
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

2.1.2. Boost.Program_options Library#

  • Boost is a huge collection of C++ libraries that help us do many common application tasks. We will mainly use the Boost libraries for option parsing, printing, and sometimes threading. The version of Boost installed installed on lab-1 and lab-2 is Boost 1.74.0.

  • In particular, Boost.Program_options library will come in handy when parsing program options.

  • Example: age.cpp

2.1.3. Set up, control, and query USRP#

  1. Use the uhd::usrp::multi_usrp class method uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::make() to construct a USRP object.

  2. Use other uhd::usrp::multi_usrp class APIs to set and query various USRP parameters.

2.1.4. USRP Streams#

  • To transmit/receive using an N210 USRP, signal samples need to be transferred to/from the USRP. This is accomplished via the Gigabit Ethernet connection between the host computer and the N210 USRP.

  • Signal samples are encapsulated in Ethernet packets that are transferred between the host computer and USRP. This is referred to as streaming.

  • To do streaming, we need to first construct a stream object that facilitates streaming between the host computer and USRP. There are two kinds of stream objects:

    • A TX stream allows the host computer to transmit samples to the USRP, and is constructed using the uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::get_tx_stream() method, which returns a smart pointer to a uhd::tx_streamer class object.

    • A RX stream allows the host computer to receive samples from the USRP, and is constructed using the uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::get_rx_stream() method, which returns a smart pointer to a uhd::rx_streamer class object.

  • Both stream construction methods require an input argument of type uhd::stream_args_t(const std::string& cpu, const std::string& otw), where cpu and otw represent the different data types of signal samples at the two ends of a stream:

    • cpu specifies the host data type: Data type of the samples used on the host for processing, possible choices are fc64, fc32, sc16, and sc8.

    • otw specifies USRP over-the-wire data type: Data type of the samples sent through Ethernet, possible choices are sc16 and sc8

    • fc64 = std::complex<double>, fc32 = std::complex<float>, sc16 = std::complex<int16_t>, and sc8 = std::complex<int8_t>.

    • See stream.hpp in the UHD source package for detailed specifications of the sample data types above, as well as other additional fields in uhd::stream_args_t.

  • Data-type conversion is automatically carried out by the stream objects.

  • Example: txrx_loopback_to_file.cpp

2.1.5. TX: Send signal samples to USRP#

  • After a TX stream object is constructed, we may use the method uhd::tx_streamer::send() to transfer signal samples from the host to the USRP. Check the code examples below and stream.hpp to see all input arguments of uhd::tx_streamer::send(). The method uhd::tx_streamer::send() is a blocking call and will not return until the specified number of samples have been read out of the buffer, unless a timeout occurs.

  • Note that the samples are encapsulated into Ethernet packets for the stream transfer. Each packet can only carry a certain maximum number of samples, which is determined by the Ethernet hardware and the amount of buffering in the USRP and the host. This maximum number can be obtained using the uhd::tx_streamer::get_max_num_samps() method.

  • If the total number of samples is greater than this maximum number, then we have to chop up the samples into multiple Ethernet packets and send them to the USRP in a burst. This may be done manually. However, uhd::tx_streamer::send() will automatically do that for us. Specifically, it will fragment the samples across several packets. I recommend letting uhd::tx_streamer::send() handle that.

  • In the manual case, we need to tell the USRP when the burst starts and ends. This is done by setting start_of_burst and end_of_burst flags in a metadata structure of type uhd::tx_metadata_t associated with each call to uhd::tx_streamer::send(). See the code examples below for different ways to set and use these parameters. In the case of auto-fragmentation, uhd::tx_streamer::send() will respect the burst flags when fragmenting to ensure that start_of_burst can only be set on the first fragment and that end_of_burst can only be set on the final fragment.

  • Also we can ask UHD to stream the samples immediately by setting the value of the has_time_spec field to false (which is the default value) in the metadata. Or we may ask UHD to not start streaming before a certain time. See the txrx_loopback_to_file.cpp example below for how to do that.

  • After the USRP receives the samples, it takes over the actual digital up conversion, D/A conversion, carrier mixing, filtering, and transmission processes.

  • One needs to be aware of the fact that there is a certain latency from sending the first packet of samples using uhd::tx_streamer::send() to the actual physical transmission of the signal. This latency may vary with the host computer’s load and the traffic load over the Ethernet connection.

  • The USRP consumes, and hence expects, samples coming in at a constant rate. An underflow occurs when the host does not produce (or send) samples fast enough. When UHD detects the underflow, it prints a “U” to stdout, and pushes a message packet into the async message stream back to the host.

  • Example of transmitting a burst of samples: tx_samples_from_file.cpp

  • Example of continuous transmission: txrx_loopback_to_file.cpp

2.1.6. RX: Grab signal samples from USRP#

  • After a RX stream object is constructed, we may use the method uhd::rx_streamer::recv() to transfer signal samples from the USRP to the host.

  • Note that the samples are encapsulated into Ethernet packets for the stream transfer. Each packet can only carry a certain maximum number of samples, which is determined by the Ethernet hardware and the amount of buffering in the USRP and the host. This maximum number can be obtained using the uhd::rx_streamer::get_max_num_samps() method. By default, UHD sends this maximum number of samples. One may specify the number of samples to be transferred per packet by setting the spp field in the uhd::stream_args_t::args structure when constructing the RX stream. See stream.hpp for details.

  • The uhd::rx_streamer::recv() method is a blocking call and will not return until the number of samples specified have been written into the buffer, unless a timeout occurs. Refer to the code example below and stream.hpp for how to specify the number of samples to receive and to see all input arguments of uhd::rx_streamer::recv().

  • On the other hand, if the buffer has insufficient space (the specified number of samples) to hold all samples that are to be received in a single packet from the USRP, then the buffer will be completely filled and uhd::rx_streamer::recv() will hold a pointer into the remaining portion of the packet. Subsequent calls will load from the remainder of the packet, and will properly set the start_of_burst, end_of_burst, and fragment_offset fields in the returned uhd::rx_metadata_t structure to show that the current buffer holds a fragment of a packet (see the explanation here for details). The next call to receive, after the remainder becomes exhausted, will get a new packet from the USRP as usual.

  • There are two different modes of streaming samples from the USRP, namely continuous and fixed-number-of-samples. Operations of both modes are controlled by issuing a stream command to the USRP using the uhd::rx_streamer::issue_stream_cmd() method. See the code example below for how to use the method.

  • A stream command is of the uhd::stream_cmd_t type, and the different modes of streaming can be specified by setting the stream_mode field or by using the constructor of uhd::stream_cmd_t. Possible options for stream_mode include:

    • STREAM_MODE_START_CONTINUOUS tells the USRP to stream samples indefinitely

    • STREAM_MODE_STOP_CONTINUOUS tells the USRP to end continuous streaming

    • STREAM_MODE_NUM_SAMPS_AND_DONE tells the USRP to stream num_samps samples and to not expect a future stream command for contiguous samples

    • STREAM_MODE_NUM_SAMPS_AND_MORE tells the USRP to stream num_samps samples and to expect a future stream command for contiguous samples.

  • We will mostly do continuous streaming later. Once the stream command is issued, the USRP will automatically take over the actual receiving, frequency mixing, A/D conversion, filtering, digital down sampling, buffering, and transfer of the signal samples to the host.

  • One may specify the number of requested samples for the fixed-number-of-samples mode of streaming by setting the num_samps field in the stream command. Also one can tell the USRP to start streaming immediately by setting the stream_now field in the stream command to true or at a later specific time by specifying the time_spec field. See the code example below for how to set the time_spec field.

  • A RX metadata structure uhd::rx_metadata_t is available to describe information about the streaming process and the sample packet. Most useful to us will be the error_code field of the RX metadata. The possible flags of the field are:

    • ERROR_CODE_NONE: no error associated with this metadata

    • ERROR_CODE_TIMEOUT: no packet received, implementation timed-out

    • ERROR_CODE_LATE_COMMAND: a stream command was issued in the past

    • ERROR_CODE_BROKEN_CHAIN: expected another stream command

    • ERROR_CODE_OVERFLOW: an overflow has occurred

    • ERROR_CODE_ALIGNMENT: multi-channel alignment failed

    • ERROR_CODE_BAD_PACKET: the packet could not be parsed

  • One may use the uhd::rx_metadata_t ::strerror() method to print out the error.

  • The most common error is an overflow which occurs when the host does not consume data provided by the USRP fast enough. When UHD detects the overflow, it prints an “O” or “D” to stdout, and pushes a message packet into the RX stream.

  • Example: txrx_loopback_to_file.cpp (RX)