2.2. Elementary Multi-threading#

  • To implement a communication system in software, we often need to run functions that send and/or receive signal samples to and/or from the USRP as well as many other processing functions asynchronously and simultaneously.

  • This can be done by multi-threaded programming, in which different functions are implemented in different threads. Exactly how many treads to use and which functions should be implemented in which threads are typical design questions.

  • Multi-threading imposes overheads. If you are pushing the CPU to its limits and concern about overheads, a common rule of thumb is to have the maximum number of simultaneous CPU-hogging threads to be roughly the same as the number of processors (or cores) available. In our Linux boxes, all the processors contain 4 cores with hyper-threading support. Hence the maximum of number of simultaneous CPU-hogging threads should be about 8.

  • Generally we should have a main thread, the one starts main(), and other spawned threads. We will use the std::thread class to create, launch, and manage threads.


    std::thread is available in C++11 or after.

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    You may also use the somewhat more powerful Boost.Thread library to do multi-threading.

2.2.1. Create, launch, and join threads#

  • The simplest way to create and launch a thread is to instantiate a std::thread class object by passing to its constructor a function reference pointing to the function that the thread is to execute. Other input arguments of the function can also be passed to the constructor. See the code example below.

  • After a thread’s job is completed, we should join the thread back to the main thread for clean termination. This is done by the using std::thread::join() method, which will block the calling thread until the thread represented by the thread object has terminated. To make sure that a thread can be joined, we may check if the thread is joinable using the std::thread::joinable() method. A thread is not joinable if it has been already joined or detached.

  • One may use the namespace std::this_thread to invoke a set of functions that access the current thread. For example, calling the std::this_thread::sleep_for() method will cause the current thread to pause for a specified amount of time. We should always try to do that whenever possible in a thread to vacate CPU resources to other running threads.

  • Example: age_threads.cpp

2.2.2. UHD thread priority#

  • The priority of the main thread can be set using the uhd::set_thread_priority_safe() method in main(). The same method can be used to set the thread priority in the function that a spawned thread executes. The uhd::set_thread_priority_safe() method is a UHD wrapper to set thread priority using Pthreads in UNIX-based systems. The gcc compiler, in most of such systems, implements the std::thread class based on Pthreads. Hence, you may also use the same method to set priority of threads that you create using std::thread. This also applies if you use the Boost.Thread library instead.

  • The two input parameters of uhd::set_thread_priority_safe() are:

    • priority: a float in [0,1] with 0 and 1 respectively meaning lowest and highest priority for the thread (default = 0.5)

    • realtime: a bool specifying whether real-time scheduling should be enabled or not (default = true)

  • Setting priority to 1 and realtime to true typically gives the thread highest priority. This is what we want to do for threads that implement time-critical processing, such as sending samples from the host to the USRP and grabbing samples back to the host from the USRP.


    Real-time scheduling means a certain way to schedule a fair and constant access to the CPU. Such a restriction may not necessarily reduce the run time of a program.

  • Example: age_threads.cpp

2.2.3. Thread synchronization with mutex#

  • If you run age_threads.cpp, the console printout is not what you have expected. Despite the messages printed out by different threads sometimes come out cleanly, they often garble together. This is because the threads are running asynchronously without regard of the existence of each other. The characters of the message strings from different threads may be put into the buffer of std::cout by the respective << operators in the threads in some unpredictable order, garbling the output.

  • The situation can be worse when multiple threads are writing to the same memory location that holds a pointer to an object. A race condition may occur and the content of memory location may become unpredictable. Any subsequent reference to the object may cause the program to crash! The technical terminology to describe this situation is that such an implementation is not thread-safe.


    Strictly speaking, both std::cout and the << operator are thread-safe because the implementation indeed prevents multiple threads from writing to the buffer of std::cout simultaneously. In fact, age_threads.cpp doesn’t crash. However, this thread-safe property applies only on a character-by-character basis; hence we still have the messages from different threads garbled together.


    Neither uhd::tx_streamer::send() nor uhd::rx_streamer::recv() is thread-safe.

  • In order to make age_threads.cpp work in the way that we want it to, we need to provide a form of synchronization among all the threads such that a thread can get exclusive access to std::cout, blocking other threads from using std::cout before the thread is done streaming its whole message to std::cout.

  • Mutexes provide a basic mechanism for achieving this form of synchronization among threads. We will use the std::mutex class to construct mutexes.

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    You may also use the somewhat more versatile boost::mutex class from the Boost.Thread library.

  • There are many ways to use mutexes for thread synchronization. The following three simple ways are pretty much all needed for most of our purposes.

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    See this tutorial for a short introduction and [1] for a more detailed treatment. Internal locking#

  • Consider

    class SharedPrinter {
        std::mutex mtx;
        void print(std::string message) {
            std::cout << message;

    which will be used in place of std::cout in age_threads.cpp

  • Suppose that a thread calls SharedPrinter::print(). The std::mutex::lock() method in SharedPrinter::print() gives ownership of the mutex SharedPrinter::mtx to the thread, and blocks other threads from accessing the object. After the whole message is streamed to std::cout, the method std::mutex::unlock() releases the current thread’s ownership of the mutex, allowing other threads to access the SharedPrinter object again. As a result, only one thread can stream a message to std::cout at a time, and no other thread can stream to std::cout until the current thread finishes streaming its whole message.

  • Note that std::mutex::lock() is a blocking call. It will not return until the mutex is unlocked by its current owner and the calling thread obtains ownership of the mutex. The method std::mutex::try_lock() attempts to obtain the mutex’s ownership for the current thread without blocking and returns true if succeeds.

  • One may also use a scoped lock in the definition of SharedPrinter in place of the explicit calling of std::mutex::lock() and std::mutex::lunlock():

    class SharedPrinter {
        std::mutex mtx;
        void print(std::string message) {
            std::lock_guard<std::mutex> scoped_lock(mtx); 
            std::cout << message; 

    The object scoped_lock’s constructor and destructor locks and releases the mutex, respectively.

  • Example code showing how to use SharedPrinter: age_mutex.cpp Caller-ensured locking#

  • Consider the following implementation of the SharedPrinter class:

    class SharedPrinter {
        std::mutex mtx;
        void print(std::string message) {
          std::cout << message;
        void lock() {
        void unlock() {

    where the mutex locking and unlocking methods are exposed to the caller function. The class method SharedPrinter::print() is not thread-safe and the caller is responsible for blocking other threads from accessing it.

  • Example code showing how to use this caller-ensured locking version of SharedPrinter: age_mutex_caller.cpp Internal + Caller-ensured locking#

  • We may obtain the best of both methods above by the following implementation of the SharedPrinter class:

    class SharedPrinter {
        std::recursive_mutex mtx;
        void print(std::string message) {
            std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> scoped_lock(mtx);
            std::cout << message;
        void lock() {
        void unlock() {

    where the class method SharedPrinter ::print() is now thread-safe.

  • Note that we have to use std::recursive_mutex in this implementation to allow for the possibility of the same mutex being locked repeatedly, internally and by the caller.

  • Experiment

    1. Use this new implementation of SharedPrinter in age_mutex_caller.cpp. Compile and run your modified code to observe the results.

    2. Instead of std::recursive_mutex in the implementation of SharedPrinter above, use std::mutex to construct the scoped lock. Compile and test the resulting code. Explain what happens.


      If the program hangs, don’t panic. You may press CTRL-Z to stop it. Then run ps to find out its process number and kill -9 <process number> to remove it.

2.2.4. Passing information/signal between threads using atomic objects#

  • Information and data may be passed between threads via shared objects. The methods to access these shared objects should be thread-safe. That can be achieved by employing the mutex-based techniques discussed before.

  • When we want to share a variable of fundamental type, such as bool, int, float, and etc, we may effectively achieve locking by declaring the variable as atomic using the std::atomic<> template. An atomic object is free from data races. If one thread writes to an atomic object while another thread reads from it, the behavior is well-defined.

  • The basic methods to write to and read from an atomic variable are std::atomic::store() and std::atomic::load(), respectively. One may also use the = operator in place of std::atomic::store(). Other operators, such as ++ and --, and operation methods are also available for atomic objects. See this link for details.

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    An atomic object may be used to synchronize access to other non-atomic objects near it in different threads by specifying different memory orders. See [1] for details. By default, std::atomic::store() and std::atomic::load() employ the strictest memory order. The = operator is equivalent to std::atomic::store() with the strictest memory order.

  • One may also use atomic objects to pass signals from one thread to others in order to trigger their operations.

  • Example: count_atomic.cpp

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    A more sophisticated, CPU-efficient way to pass signals between threads is to use mutexes together with condition variables. See this simple example and [1] for a more detailed exploration.

2.2.5. Thread-safe FIFO queue#

  • We will often encounter the common scenario in which the output generated by a thread needs to be passed on to another thread for further processing. Since all threads are running asynchronously, we need to provide thread-safe buffering between the data-generating (producer) and data-receiving (consumer) threads.

  • A simple example of such thread-safe buffering is the FIFO queue implemented in the MutexFIFO class template defined in the header file queue.hpp.

  • Example code that shows how to use this FIFO queue: age_fifo.cpp

  • One should make sure that the arrival rate to the FIFO queue should be smaller than its service rate. Otherwise the size of the queue will grow and eventually cause memory problems.