11.3. Duplex Transmission using USRPs#

  • As discussed above, a feedback channel from the sink radio back to the source radio is needed in order to support ARQ. That means each radio needs to be able to both transmit and receive signals.

  • Since each SBX/CBX daughterboard has two independent RF chains (one for TX and one for RX), our USRP radios may support full-duplex operation. That is, each radio can transmit and receive at the same time.

  • However, the TX and RX antennas of a USRP radio are often closely placed together. Thus the signal transmitted by the TX chain of the USRP will be picked up by the USRP’s own RX chain in addition to the intended RX signal, causing a very strong self interference. The signal power of this self interference could be tenths of dB above that of the intended RX signal.

  • This extremely strong self interference, if cannot be filtered out before the ADC, often saturates the ADC in the RX chain, resulting in a strong nonlinear additive interference term in the digitized RX signal samples at the ADC output. It is usually difficult to remove this nonlinear additive interference from the RX signal samples, even if the signal transmitted by the USRP causing the interference is known.

  • One may attenuate the analog signal in the RX chain before the ADC enough that the attenuated signal falls within the dynamic range of the ADC. However, doing so will also attenuate the intended RX signal so much that quantization errors of the ADC becomes too significant, even if one can remove the known self interference from the RX signal.

  • If one is to perform cancellation of the self interference in the RX chain, that must be done in the analog domain before the ADC. Unfortunately, our USRP radios are not equipped with the analogu circuitry to perform self interference cancellation.

  • In all, while full-duplex operations in the same frequency band using our USRP radios is theoretically possible, it is practically hard to do so. Therefore, we may opt for either one of the following more practical approaches:

11.3.1. Frequency-division duplexing (FDD)#

  • In FDD, the forward and feedback channels occupy different frequency bands. Self interference in full-duplex operations is removed by analog filtering.

  • Recall that in the RX chain of the SBX/CBX daughterboard has a fixed 40 MHz analog lowpass filter before the ADC in each of the I & Q paths. To employ this analog filter to remove self interference, the center frequencies of the forward and feedback bands need to be separated by more than 40 MHz plus the larger of the bandwidths of the forward and feedback signals. The band separation often needs to be larger due to strong sidelobs that may also present in the self interference signal due to amplifier nonlinearities.

  • If the above frequency band separation requirement is satisfied, full-duplex operations can be supported and hence the ARQ protocols described above can be directly implemented:

    • At the source (and similarly the sink), both transmit and receive objects (and functions) need to be instantiated and ran asynchronously on separated threads.

    • The only communication needed between the transmit and receive threads are the values of \(S\) (\(S_{\max}\) and \(S_{\min}\) in go-back-\(n\) and selective-repeat ARQ) and \(R\). This can be simply achieved for instance at the source by making \(S\) an atomic class variable in the transmit object and \(R\) an atomic class variable in the receive object, providing thread-safe access to these class variables.

  • The timeout required in the ARQ protocols should be set according to the specific protocol accounting for the signal generation and processing time at the host computer, the host load condition, the latency involved in sending samples back and forth between the USRP and host, the processing time in the FPGA in the USRP radio, transmission time as well as any buffering delays. Usually practical timeout values have to be fine-tuned experimentally.

  • Timers may be easily implemented using the C++ std::chrono::steady_clock class.

  • To minimize processing latency in the host computer, the threads that implement critical transmit and receive functions should be set to have the highest priority.

11.3.2. Time-division duplexing (TDD)#

  • In TDD, transmissions over the forward and feedback channels occur in different non-overlapping time slots over the same frequency band. Usually additional guard time is added between adjacent time slots to allow for a maximum physical propagation delay.

  • Since a radio never transmits and receives simultaneously in TDD, it only needs to support half-duplex operations. With our USRP radios, the independent TX and RX chains help to avoid any delay involved in switching between TX and RX chains.

  • If synchronized clock sources (e.g. GPS clocks) are available to both the source and sink, the time slots can be synchronized and scheduled for use by forward and feedback transmissions.

  • If no synchronized clock sources are available (as in our case), TDD is still possible based on time slots induced by the ARQ protocol. For example, the following modified version of the stop-and-wait ARQ protocol can be used in a TDD system without synchronized clock sources: Stop-and-wait ARQ for TDD without synchronized clocks#

  • Source:

    1. Fetch a new data payload from the higher layer if there is one available. Otherwise, wait until a new payload is available.

    2. Use \(S\) as the packet number to construct a data packet from the payload, and send the constructed data packet to the sink.

    3. Wait for an ACK packet to arrive from the sink. If an error-free ACK packet carrying an \(R > S\) is received before timeout, increment \(S\) and go back to step 1 to transmit a new data packet. If no such ACK packet is received before timeout, go back to step 2 to retransmit the current data packet.

  • Sink:

    1. Wait until a data packet arrives from the source.

    2. If an error-free packet containing an \(S = R\) is received from the source, release the previously stored payload (if exists) to the higher layer, store the data payload of the received packet, increment \(R\) and immediately send an ACK packet carrying the request number \(R\) back to source.

    3. Go back to step 1.

  • Note that this protocol establishes a master-slave relationship between the source and sink. The source acts as the master to control transmission timings of both the forward and feedback channels. The sink acts the slave responding to the transmission events initiated by the source.

  • Additional communication between the threads running the transmit and receive objects is needed to implement this protocol. For example:

    • At the source, after the transmit object sends a data packet, it can send a signal to the receive object to tell it to start receiving an ACK packet from the sink. Note that because of the difference in transmission rates over the Gigabit Ethernet to and from the USRP, an additional delay may be needed before the transmit object sends the signal to the receive object.

    • At the sink, the receive object may directly call the send method of the transmit object to send an ACK packet when the protocol calls for such an action. Again, additional delay may be needed after the send method returns before the receive object start processing the samples received from the USRP. This delay should implemented by dropping samples from the USRP that correspond to the ACK packet that it transmits.