2.4.5. stream.hpp# Source code#

  2// Copyright 2011-2013 Ettus Research LLC
  3// Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company
  5// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
  8#pragma once
 10#include <uhd/config.hpp>
 11#include <uhd/types/device_addr.hpp>
 12#include <uhd/types/metadata.hpp>
 13#include <uhd/types/ref_vector.hpp>
 14#include <uhd/types/stream_cmd.hpp>
 15#include <uhd/utils/noncopyable.hpp>
 16#include <boost/utility.hpp>
 17#include <memory>
 18#include <string>
 19#include <vector>
 21namespace uhd {
 24 * A struct of parameters to construct a streamer.
 25 *
 26 * Here is an example of how a stream args object could be used in conjunction
 27 * with uhd::device::get_rx_stream():
 28 *
 29 * \code{.cpp}
 30 * // 1. Create the stream args object and initialize the data formats to fc32 and sc16:
 31 * uhd::stream_args_t stream_args("fc32", "sc16");
 32 * // 2. Set the channel list, we want 3 streamers coming from channels
 33 * //    0, 1 and 2, in that order:
 34 * stream_args.channels = {0, 1, 2};
 35 * // 3. Set optional args:
 36 * stream_args.args["spp"] = "200"; // 200 samples per packet
 37 * // Now use these args to create an rx streamer:
 38 * // (We assume that usrp is a valid uhd::usrp::multi_usrp)
 39 * uhd::rx_streamer::sptr rx_stream = usrp->get_rx_stream(stream_args);
 40 * // Now, any calls to rx_stream must provide a vector of 3 buffers,
 41 * // one per channel.
 42 * \endcode
 43 *
 44 * \b Note: Not all combinations of CPU and OTW format have conversion support.
 45 * You may however write and register your own conversion routines.
 46 */
 47struct UHD_API stream_args_t
 49    //! Convenience constructor for streamer args
 50    stream_args_t(const std::string& cpu = "", const std::string& otw = "")
 51    {
 52        cpu_format = cpu;
 53        otw_format = otw;
 54    }
 56    /*!
 57     * The CPU format is a string that describes the format of host memory.
 58     * Conversions for the following CPU formats have been implemented:
 59     *  - fc64 - complex<double>
 60     *  - fc32 - complex<float>
 61     *  - sc16 - complex<int16_t>
 62     *  - sc8 - complex<int8_t>
 63     *
 64     * The following are not implemented, but are listed to demonstrate naming convention:
 65     *  - f32 - float
 66     *  - f64 - double
 67     *  - s16 - int16_t
 68     *  - s8 - int8_t
 69     *
 70     * The CPU format can be chosen depending on what the application requires.
 71     */
 72    std::string cpu_format;
 74    /*!
 75     * The OTW format is a string that describes the format over-the-wire.
 76     * The following over-the-wire formats have been implemented:
 77     *  - sc16 - Q16 I16
 78     *  - sc8 - Q8_1 I8_1 Q8_0 I8_0
 79     *  - sc12 (Only some devices)
 80     *
 81     * The following are not implemented, but are listed to demonstrate naming convention:
 82     *  - s16 - R16_1 R16_0
 83     *  - s8 - R8_3 R8_2 R8_1 R8_0
 84     *
 85     * Setting the OTW ("over-the-wire") format is, in theory, transparent to the
 86     * application, but changing this can have some side effects. Using less bits for
 87     * example (e.g. when going from `otw_format` `sc16` to `sc8`) will reduce the dynamic
 88     * range, and increases quantization noise. On the other hand, it reduces the load on
 89     * the data link and thus allows more bandwidth (a USRP N210 can work with 25 MHz
 90     * bandwidth for 16-Bit complex samples, and 50 MHz for 8-Bit complex samples).
 91     */
 92    std::string otw_format;
 94    /*!
 95     * The args parameter is used to pass arbitrary key/value pairs.
 96     * Possible keys used by args (depends on implementation):
 97     *
 98     * - fullscale: specifies the full-scale amplitude when using floats.
 99     * By default, the fullscale amplitude under floating point is 1.0.
100     * Set the "fullscale" to scale the samples in the host to the
101     * expected input range and/or output range of your application.
102     *
103     * - peak: specifies a fractional sample level to calculate scaling with the sc8 wire
104     * format. When using sc8 samples over the wire, the device must scale samples (both
105     * on the host and in the device) to satisfy the dynamic range needs. The peak value
106     * specifies a fraction of the maximum sample level (1.0 = 100%). Set peak to
107     * max_sample_level/full_scale_level to ensure optimum dynamic range.
108     *
109     * - underflow_policy: how the TX DSP should recover from underflow.
110     * Possible options are "next_burst" or "next_packet".
111     * In the "next_burst" mode, the DSP drops incoming packets until a new burst is
112     * started. In the "next_packet" mode, the DSP starts transmitting again at the next
113     * packet.
114     *
115     * - spp: (samples per packet) controls the size of RX packets.
116     * When not specified, the packets are always maximum frame size.
117     * Users should specify this option to request smaller than default
118     * packets, probably with the intention of reducing packet latency.
119     *
120     * - noclear: Used by tx_dsp_core_200 and rx_dsp_core_200
121     *
122     * The following are not implemented, but are listed for conceptual purposes:
123     * - function: magnitude or phase/magnitude
124     * - units: numeric units like counts or dBm
125     *
126     * Other options are device-specific:
127     * - port, addr: Alternative receiver streamer destination.
128     */
129    device_addr_t args;
131    /*! List of channel numbers (only used by non-RFNoC devices)
132     *
133     * Note: For RFNoC devices, this value is not used. To create a streamer
134     * with multiple channels, the uhd::rfnoc::rfnoc_graph::create_tx_streamer()
135     * and uhd::rfnoc::rfnoc_graph::create_rx_streamer() API calls have a
136     * \p num_ports argument.
137     *
138     * For non-RFNoC devices (i.e., USRP1, B100, B200, N200), this argument
139     * defines how streamer channels map to the front-end selection (see also
140     * \ref config_subdev).
141     *
142     * A very simple example is a B210 with a subdev spec of `A:A A:B`. This
143     * means the device has two channels available.
144     *
145     * Setting `stream_args.channels = {0, 1}` therefore configures MIMO
146     * streaming from both channels. By switching the channel indexes,
147     * `stream_args.channels = {1, 0}`, the channels are switched and the first
148     * channel of the USRP is mapped to the second channel in the application.
149     *
150     * If only a single channel is used for streaming, e.g.,
151     * `stream_args.channels = {1}` would only select a single channel (in this
152     * case, the second one). When streaming a single channel from the B-side
153     * radio of a USRP, this is a more versatile solution than setting the
154     * subdev spec globally to "A:B".
155     *
156     * Leave this blank to default to channel 0 (single-channel application).
157     */
158    std::vector<size_t> channels;
162 * The RX streamer is the host interface to receiving samples.
163 * It represents the layer between the samples on the host
164 * and samples inside the device's receive DSP processing.
165 */
166class UHD_API rx_streamer : uhd::noncopyable
169    typedef std::shared_ptr<rx_streamer> sptr;
171    virtual ~rx_streamer(void);
173    //! Get the number of channels associated with this streamer
174    virtual size_t get_num_channels(void) const = 0;
176    //! Get the max number of samples per buffer per packet
177    virtual size_t get_max_num_samps(void) const = 0;
179    //! Typedef for a pointer to a single, or a collection of recv buffers
180    typedef ref_vector<void*> buffs_type;
182    /*!
183     * Receive buffers containing samples described by the metadata.
184     *
185     * Receive handles fragmentation as follows:
186     * If the buffer has insufficient space to hold all samples
187     * that were received in a single packet over-the-wire,
188     * then the buffer will be completely filled and the implementation
189     * will hold a pointer into the remaining portion of the packet.
190     * Subsequent calls will load from the remainder of the packet,
191     * and will flag the metadata to show that this is a fragment.
192     * The next call to receive, after the remainder becomes exhausted,
193     * will perform an over-the-wire receive as usual.
194     * See the rx metadata fragment flags and offset fields for details.
195     *
196     * This is a blocking call and will not return until the number
197     * of samples returned have been written into each buffer.
198     * Under a timeout condition, the number of samples returned
199     * may be less than the number of samples specified.
200     *
201     * The one_packet option allows the user to guarantee that
202     * the call will return after a single packet has been processed.
203     * This may be useful to maintain packet boundaries in some cases.
204     *
205     * Note on threading: recv() is *not* thread-safe, to avoid locking
206     * overhead. The application calling recv() is responsible for making
207     * sure that not more than one thread can call recv() on the same streamer
208     * at the same time. If there are multiple streamers, receiving from
209     * different sources, then those may be called from different threads
210     * simultaneously.
211     *
212     * \section stream_rx_error_handling Error Handling
213     *
214     * \p metadata is a value that is set inside this function (effectively, a
215     * return value), and should be checked
216     * for potential error codes (see rx_metadata_t::error_code_t).
217     *
218     * The most common error code when something goes wrong is an overrun (also
219     * referred to as overflow: error_code_t::ERROR_CODE_OVERFLOW). This error
220     * code means that the device produced data faster than the application
221     * could read, and various buffers filled up leaving no more space for the
222     * device to write data to. Note that an overrun on the device will not
223     * immediatiely show up when calling recv(). Depending on the device
224     * implementation, there may be many more valid samples available before the
225     * device had to stop writing samples to the FIFO. Only when all valid
226     * samples are returned to the call site will the error code be set to
227     * "overrun". When this happens, all valid samples have been returned to
228     * application where recv() was called.
229     * If the device is streaming continuously, it will reset itself when the
230     * FIFO is cleared, and recv() can be called again to retrieve new, valid data.
231     *
232     * \param buffs a vector of writable memory to fill with samples
233     * \param nsamps_per_buff the size of each buffer in number of samples
234     * \param[out] metadata data to fill describing the buffer
235     * \param timeout the timeout in seconds to wait for a packet
236     * \param one_packet return after the first packet is received
237     * \return the number of samples received or 0 on error
238     */
239    virtual size_t recv(const buffs_type& buffs,
240        const size_t nsamps_per_buff,
241        rx_metadata_t& metadata,
242        const double timeout  = 0.1,
243        const bool one_packet = false) = 0;
245    /*!
246     * Issue a stream command to the usrp device.
247     * This tells the usrp to send samples into the host.
248     * See the documentation for stream_cmd_t for more info.
249     *
250     * With multiple devices, the first stream command in a chain of commands
251     * should have a time spec in the near future and stream_now = false;
252     * to ensure that the packets can be aligned by their time specs.
253     *
254     * \param stream_cmd the stream command to issue
255     */
256    virtual void issue_stream_cmd(const stream_cmd_t& stream_cmd) = 0;
260 * The TX streamer is the host interface to transmitting samples.
261 * It represents the layer between the samples on the host
262 * and samples inside the device's transmit DSP processing.
263 */
264class UHD_API tx_streamer : uhd::noncopyable
267    typedef std::shared_ptr<tx_streamer> sptr;
269    virtual ~tx_streamer(void);
271    //! Get the number of channels associated with this streamer
272    virtual size_t get_num_channels(void) const = 0;
274    //! Get the max number of samples per buffer per packet
275    virtual size_t get_max_num_samps(void) const = 0;
277    //! Typedef for a pointer to a single, or a collection of send buffers
278    typedef ref_vector<const void*> buffs_type;
280    /*!
281     * Send buffers containing samples described by the metadata.
282     *
283     * Send handles fragmentation as follows:
284     * If the buffer has more items than the maximum per packet,
285     * the send method will fragment the samples across several packets.
286     * Send will respect the burst flags when fragmenting to ensure
287     * that start of burst can only be set on the first fragment and
288     * that end of burst can only be set on the final fragment.
289     *
290     * This is a blocking call and will not return until the number
291     * of samples returned have been read out of each buffer.
292     * Under a timeout condition, the number of samples returned
293     * may be less than the number of samples specified.
294     *
295     * Note on threading: send() is *not* thread-safe, to avoid locking
296     * overhead. The application calling send() is responsible for making
297     * sure that not more than one thread can call send() on the same streamer
298     * at the same time. If there are multiple streamers, transmitting to
299     * different destinations, then those may be called from different threads
300     * simultaneously.
301     *
302     * \param buffs a vector of read-only memory containing samples
303     * \param nsamps_per_buff the number of samples to send, per buffer
304     * \param metadata data describing the buffer's contents
305     * \param timeout the timeout in seconds to wait on a packet
306     * \return the number of samples sent
307     */
308    virtual size_t send(const buffs_type& buffs,
309        const size_t nsamps_per_buff,
310        const tx_metadata_t& metadata,
311        const double timeout = 0.1) = 0;
313    /*!
314     * Receive an asynchronous message from this TX stream.
315     * \param async_metadata the metadata to be filled in
316     * \param timeout the timeout in seconds to wait for a message
317     * \return true when the async_metadata is valid, false for timeout
318     */
319    virtual bool recv_async_msg(
320        async_metadata_t& async_metadata, double timeout = 0.1) = 0;
323} // namespace uhd