
A Vitis Extensible Platform with a single ADC for RFSoC4x2 (Vitis 2023.1 Classic IDE)

This is my second experiment with the RFSoC4x2 board. The goal is to build a simple Vitis extensible platform that supports pulling samples from one ADC of the ZU48DR device on board.

Step 0: Install the RFSoC4x2 board files

If not already installed, follow Steps 0.1 and 0.2 in the previous experiment to install the RFSoC board files. There is no need to install the Xilinx’s device tree repo and the ZYNQMP common image here. We will use Petalinux to generate a new image and a device tree.

Step 1: Create a Vivado Hardware Design

  1. Download the TCL script rfsoc_adc_hardware.tcl to ~/workspace.
  2. Open Vivado and source the TCL script a TCL shell, or simply do
    vivado -source rfsoc_adc_hardware.tcl

    to generate the following block design: hardware design which adds an RF Data Converter IP to a slightly modified version of the hardware design in Vitis Platform Creation Tutorial for ZCU104-Step 1.

    • The Vivado project is named rfsoc_adc_hardware.
    • ADC-D (ADC0 on tile 224) on the RFSoC4x2 board is enabled with sampling rate set to 2.4576 GSps.
  3. Export the platform rfsoc_adc_hardware.xsa for both hardware and hardware emulation.

Step 2: Use Petalinux to create boot files, device tree file, linux image, rootfs, and sysroot

  1. Create a Petalinux project:
    cd ~/workspace
    petalinux-create -t project --template zynqMP -n rfsoc-linux
    cd rfsoc-linux
  2. Enter the hardware plotform rfsoc_adc_hardware.xsa and select EXT4 for rootfs:
    petalinux-config --get-hw-description=../rfsoc_adc_hardware/rfsoc_adc_hardware.xsa
    • Select Image Packaging Configuration->Root filesystem type->EXT4
    • Exit and save configuration
  3. Add relevant libraries to rootfs:
    • Add the following line to ~/workspace/rfsoc-linux/project-spec/meta-user/conf/user-rootfsconfig:

      to allow including the rfdc library (we don’t use it in this experiment though)

    • Run
      petalinux-config -c rootfs
    • Select user packages->rfdc
    • Select xrt:
      • Petalinux Package Groups->packagegroup-petalinux-vitis-acceleration-essential->packagegroup-petalinux-vitis-acceleration-essential
      • Petalinux Package Groups->packagegroup-petalinux-vitis-acceleration-essential->packagegroup-petalinux-vitis-acceleration-essential-dev
    • Select libmetal (mostly for rfdc):
      • Petalinux Package Groups->packagegroup-petalinux-openamp->packagegroup-petalinux-openamp
      • Petalinux Package Groups->packagegroup-petalinux-openamp->packagegroup-petalinux-openamp-dev
    • Select Python (to run some PYNQ scripts later):
      • Petalinux Package Groups->packagegroup-petalinux-python-modules->packagegroup-petalinux-python-modules
      • Petalinux Package Groups->packagegroup-petalinux-python-modules->packagegroup-petalinux-python-modules-dev
    • Select openssh for convenience:
      • Filesystem Packages->console->network->openssh->openssh, openssh-ssh, openssh-sshd, openssh-scp
    • Select Image Features->package-management and Image Features->debug-tweaks
    • Select any other packages as wish
    • Exit and save
  4. Configure the Linux kernel:
    petalinux-config -c kernel
    • Allow user-mode SPI device driver support:
      • Select Device Drivers->SPI support->User mode SPI device driver support (select the * mark)
    • Exit and save
  5. Add device tree descriptions to enable access to the reference clock chips (LMK04828 and LMX2594) via SPI:
    • Add the following lines to ~/workspace/rfsoc-linux/project-spec/meta-user/recipes-bsp/device-tree/files/system-user.dtsi:
      /include/ "system-conf.dtsi"
      / {
         chosen {
                 bootargs = " earlycon console=ttyPS0,115200 clk_ignore_unused root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw";
                 stdout-path = "serial0:115200n8";
      &spi0 {
         lmk@0 {
                 compatible = "ti,lmk04828";
                 reg = <0x0>;
                 spi-max-frequency = <500000>;
                 num_bytes = <3>;
         lmxdac@1 {
                 compatible = "ti,lmx2594";
                 reg = <0x1>;
                 spi-max-frequency = <500000>;
                 num_bytes = <3>;
         lmxadc@2 {
                 compatible = "ti,lmx2594";
                 reg = <0x2>;
                 spi-max-frequency = <500000>;
                 num_bytes = <3>;
  6. Build the image and sysroot:
    petalinux-build --sdk
    cd images/linux
    ./sdk.sh -d .
    • The boot files, device tree file, kernel image, and the EXT4 rootfs are generated in ~/workspace/rfsoc-linux/images/linux/. The sysroot is in ~/workspace/rfsoc-linux/images/linux/sysroots/cortexa72-cortexa53-xilinx-linux.

Step 3: Create a Vitis Platform

  1. Create a Vitis Platform project:
    • Start xsct:
      cd ~/workspace
    • Once in the xsct terminal, execute the following commands to create a Vitis platform project:
      setws .
      platform create -name rfsoc_adc_vitis_platform \
       -desc "A Vitis extensible platform with 1 ADC for the RFSoC4x2 board" \
       -hw rfsoc_adc_hardware/rfsoc_adc_hardware.xsa \
       -hw_emu rfsoc_adc_hardware/rfsoc_adc_hardware.xsa \
       -no-boot-bsp -out .
      domain create -name xrt -proc psu_cortexa53 -os linux \
       -arch {64-bit} -runtime {ocl}  -bootmode {sd}
      platform write
      platform generate

      The platform project is now created in ~/workspace/rfsoc_adc_vitis_platform.

  2. Copy system.dtb and boot files from the image generated by Petalinux in Step 2 above:
    • Make the following two directories for convenience:
      cd rfsoc_adc_vitis_platform
      mkdir boot fat32
    • Copy system.dtb and other boot files to the directories:
      cp ~/workspace/rfsoc-linux/images/linux/system.dtb boot
      cp ~/workspace/rfsoc-linux/images/linux/system.dtb fat32
      cp ~/workspace/rfsoc-linux/images/linux/boot.scr fat32
      cp ~/workspace/rfsoc-linux/images/linux/bl31.elf boot
      cp ~/workspace/rfsoc-linux/images/linux/u-boot.elf boot
  3. Build the Vitis platform:
    • Open up the Vitis GUI:

      If the platform project doesn’t show up in the Explorer window, either go to Vitis->XSCT Console to open up an xsct console and type the following command:

      importprojects rfsoc_adc_vitis_platform

      or go to File->Import… to import the platform project. The platform project created above should now show up in the Explorer window.

    • Set the platform parameters:
    • Open platform.spr from the Explorer window (right-click->Open)
    • Set the paths to fsbl.elf and pmufw.elf:
      • FSBL: Click the Browse button to select ~/workspace/rfsoc-linux/images/linux/zynqmp_fsbl.elf
      • PMU Firmware: Click the Browse button to select ~/workspace/rfsoc-linux/images/linux/pmufw.elf
    • Select xrt in the opened tab in the main window
    • Under Domain:xrt field:
      • Bif File: Click downarrow in the Browse button to select Generate Bif.
      • Boot Components Directory: Click the Browse button to select ~/workspace/rfsoc_adc_vitis_platform/boot.
      • FAT32 Partition Directory: Click the Browse button to select ~/workspace/rfsoc_adc_vitis_platform/fat32.
      • Display Name: Change as wish.
      • Description: Change as wish.
      • Leave Linux Rootfs: and Sysroot Directory: empty. - Build the platform by click the :hammer: button on the tool bar. After the build, the built Vitis platform is in ~/workspace/rfsoc_adc_vitis_platform/export/rfsoc_adc_vitis_platform. - Fix the linux.bif file:
    • Select and open the rfsoc_adc_vitis_platform/export/rfsoc_adc_vitis_platform/sw/rfsoc_adc_vitis_platform/boot/linux.bif file from the Explorer.
    • Change the two lines from:
      [bootloader] <fsbl.elf>
      [pmufw_image] <pmufw.elf>


      [bootloader] <rfsoc_adc_vitis_platform/boot/fsbl.elf>
      [pmufw_image] <rfsoc_adc_vitis_platform/boot/pmufw.elf>

Step 4: Test the Vitis Platform

  1. Create a new Vitis application project from template:
    • Add Vitis example templates:
      • Go to Vitis->Examples… to install example templates
      • Click the Download button to install the templates from the Vitis Accel Examples Repository
      • Only need to do this once
    • Go to File->New->Application Project… to create a new application project:
      • Select the rfsoc_adc_vitis_platform created in Step 3. If the platform doesn’t show up as a choice, you can press the + button to add it. Press the Next> button.
      • Name the project test_adc. Press the Next> button.
      • Under Application settings field:
        • Sysroot path: Click the Browse button to select ~/workspace/rfsoc-linux/images/linux/sysroots/cortexa72-cortexa53-xilinx-linux.
        • Root FS: Click the Browse button to select ~/workspace/rfsoc-linux/images/linux/rootfs.ext4.
        • Kernel Image: Click the Browse button to select ~/workspace/rfsoc-linux/images/linux/Image.
        • Press the Next> button.
    • Select Acceleration templates with PL and AIE accelerators->Host Examples->Data Transfer (C) to finish up the application project creation step.
  2. Modify the kernel and host source codes and build the project:
    • Under the Explorer window, replace the file test_adc_kernels/src/dummy_kernel.cpp in the template with this dummy_kernel.cpp.
    • Replace the file test_adc/src/host.cpp file in the template with this host.cpp.
    • Specify v++ linker connectivity:
      • Open test_adc_system_hw_link/test_adc_system_hw_link.prj from the Explorer
      • Under Hardware Functions, right-click dummy_kernel and select Edit V++ Options…
      • Add the following lines to the V++ configuration settings field:
        stream_connect = RFDC_AXIS:dummy_kernel_1.s_in

        Click the Appy and Close button

    • Build:
      • Open test_adc_system.sprj from the Explorer
      • Select Hardware for Active build configuration (located at upper right hand corner)
      • Add --package.no_image to the Packaging options field to turn off generating a disk image
      • Click the :hammer: button on the tool bar to build the project
      • The following block design is generated by Vitis: vitis_generated_hardware design
  3. Boot up the RFSoC board from an SD card:
    • Insert the SD card into a card reader on a Linux machine. Check its device name:
      lsblk -r -O

      For example, my SD card is /dev/sda.

    • Follow these steps to create a boot partition (FAT32) and a root partition (EXT4) on /dev/sda.
    • Write the rootfs to the root (EXT4) partition:
      sudo dd if=~/workspace/rfsoc-linux/images/linux/rootfs.ext4 of=/dev/sda2 bs=1M
      sudo resize2fs /dev/sda2
    • Mount the boot (FAT32) partition:
      cd ~/workspace
      mkdir mnt
      sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sda1/ mnt
    • Copy boot files, bit file, and executable to the SD card:
      cp ~/workspace/test_adc_system/Hardware/package/sd_card/* mnt/
      sudo umount mnt
    • Put the SD card into the microSD slot of the RFSoC4x2 board. Use a USB cable to connect the Linux host to the JTAG/UART port on the RFSoC4x2 board. Also connect the Ethernet port to a DHCP server if available. On the host, run to connect to the UART port (install picocom if needed):
      sudo picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB1

      Boot up the RFSoC4x2 board.

    • Log in as root (default password is root, remember to change it after logging in). Do ifconfig to check the IP address. With the IP address, can also ssh in as root. Petalinux also creates a sudoer with login petalinux, whose passwd is set by the user when logging in the first time.
  4. Configure and turn on the reference clock chips (LMK04828 and LMX2594) via SPI:
    • scp this python package file xrfclk-2.0.tar.gz (I hacked out from the RFSoC-PYNQ distribution) to say /home/root/ on the RFSoC board.
    • Install the Python package on the board:
      python -m pip install /home/root/xrfclk-2.0.tar.gz
    • scp this python script set_ref_clocks.py to say /home/root/ and then run it:
      python /home/root/set_ref_clocks.py

      to turn on the reference clocks.

  5. Run the test_adc app to grab samples from the ADC:
    cd /run/media/boot-mmcblk0p1/
    ./test_adc dummy_kernel.xclbin

    If the app runs properly, should see the following printout:

    Found Platform
    Platform Name: Xilinx
    INFO: Reading dummy_kernel.xclbin
    Loading: 'dummy_kernel.xclbin'
    Trying to program device[0]: edge
    Device[0]: program successful!
    Reading data from device
    Writing data to wave.txt

    The samples are stored in the file wave.txt.

    Here is an example plot of the captured samples when a 2 MHz sinusoid is fed to the ADC-D SMA connector: 2 MHz sinusoid